Anonymous ID: 20fdd2 March 31, 2019, 9:18 p.m. No.6000366   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0389 >>0456


It's best when you strip it out of the book it came from.


On the one hand…

It's a control technique…

"Anyone who denies our narrative is evil and a

heathen and so on."

That's how it's intended.


You can strip it a step further tho.

"Those who deny the base premise that we who use religion/theocracy/socio-mental yokes as control are the enemy! We band together against them!"

Atheists threaten all theocratic power structures.


But then…

Seeing how the theists behave… you can't blame them for being wary.

How many folks see a spiral and think pedophile and don't want to look into it any further?

All the math, concepts, ideas that the occultists would employ… a lot of people avoid it like the plague because those tools were used for evil.

Instead of Atheist… Amystic?


Obviously use your head.

You don't need to look into blood sacrifice, kiddy fucking, adrenachrome'n'buttrape…

But the math… the stars… the techniques…


How do you convince an atheist to be a theist?

How do you convince an amystic to be a mystic?


And what about the antitheists, who think there's a lot of bullshit flying around about the whole affair?


I'm not talking about "oh, i'm spiritual… has a cryssal!"


I'm talking:

"I don't believe the hype. I see something else going on here. You'd call It 'God', but what you call 'God', I call god."

I'm not saying we're not describing the same thing… we're just using "G/god" as a placeholder for a concept that neither of us fully grasp…

I just don't put the limitations on It that you do.

Anonymous ID: 20fdd2 March 31, 2019, 9:31 p.m. No.6000498   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0530 >>0533


Why not Heaven Itself?

And when I use God with dat upper case G, it's titular form.

But what's in a Name?

Supposedly God behaves just as demons do and if you know/utter the name of G-d, you would supposedly have power over Them, right?


Or in your terms, the "Name of The Father".

But I perceive a grander scale at play.


One without "gender" because that's not how this level of Entity would operate.

What use would Divinity at the Highest Level have for such a construct?


Seems like you're talking about a lower plane…

or a Projection… a personification of Heaven.


I understand that one of the theorized constructions is to have Heaven in the center, this plane in a ring around that, and hell outside of that.


Just one problem with that, and I don't mean layers further out than hell…

How many more rings are in side that next ring?

We're dealing with The Infinite, aren't we?

How much have you thought about… Fractals?

Russian Nesting Dolls?

Which way is up?


If this is a spherical structure and not a flat representation…

You could theorize that this view is a bit apologetic to more line up with the big bang theory.

And this plane is perpetually falling faster and further away from the Heaven Core with "God" at the center.


But then you still have to wonder where all of this is taking place, how Limits work, and probably look into that whole Ain, Ain Soph, Ain Soph Aur concept.


But then you're looking into a concept discussed by people who do a qaballa and they bad news bears.

You scared?

Anonymous ID: 20fdd2 March 31, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.6000694   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Be logical


>God can do nothing that is against his nature.

Then God is not all powerful.

(That or it was an empty "1=1" statement.)


>God is Perfect!!!!!!

Define "perfection".

Does one need to be all powerful to be perfect?

Is one gender "less perfect" than another?


>That is why punishment is demanded for all sin.

"Sin" according to "whom"?

Abrahamic God #1, #2, or #3?

Or is it really "Sin according to men who claim to speak for God"?


>You sin Justice demands payment.

Why use the term "payment"?

Also, do they accept checks my ass can cash?

Does it work like a (social) credit rating system?


>This is why Christ had to pay for the sin.

Who did he pay? Satan?

Or did God pay Himself for a Bill he wrote?

Y'know, and had planned to the whole time, thus needlessly putting everyone before Christ through all that fuss and worry.


>God could not just forget it

Then again, your definition of God makes Them not all powerful, and now we're adding not all knowing to the mix.

I mean, are you a Calvinist and we're working with a Predestination construct?


>ALL sin must be paid for because GOD is Perfect

That's it? No underlying reasoning? God has an attribute and so… so there?



>and HIS Justice is Perfect.

So if the fine was already paid, and there's nothing we could do to pay for all our possible sins, even the ones we're not aware of without ANOTHER Christ situation, meaning everyone who died before the next coming would be boned, then that would suggest we're free to sin all we want because we're eternally fucked otherwise.


>Are You going to take Pascal's wager??????????

Are you going to take AOC's Wager???????


Fear tactics. :P

Anonymous ID: 20fdd2 March 31, 2019, 10 p.m. No.6000769   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0773 >>0782


But then if it's all a continuation of old religions…

And the bible is just a reworking of those to maintain that power over the people…


And we understand the things it's based on to be nonsense (Zeus liked to turn into animals when he's fuck people. TRUE STORY!)…


Then the bible is nonsense.

The whole Abrahamic Trilogy and all of its demands and bullshit are bunk.


Which is one of the hardest fucking things to get through to the bible thumpers around here. -_-


It's like talking to a leftist, but it sounds like you're already aware of that.

Anonymous ID: 20fdd2 March 31, 2019, 10:04 p.m. No.6000811   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0842


>The bible is not religion.

Correct. It's the basis of the religion.

-slow clap-


>IT IS the word of God.

According to whom?


>Too bad you did not read it deep enough to realize this.

Mormons and Muslims say the same thing.

"Pray and you will dat truly it is de wae!"



>Translations are evil and so are religions. The bible is the handbook for humans.

… Soooooo you're saying that everyone should only speak one language???