Forever on that day I will always wonder why
You were one of 58 that we said goodbye
My three year old tells me not to cry
As I sit here and a little piece of me dies
I tried and I tired and tried and tried
We made it to the hospital and you were still alive
If I was to say I am all better would be a lie
But every day I wake up and try and try
Sometimes I drink whiskey and rye
Or your Kettle on rocks with a twist of lime
18 months has somehow gone by
We are still here fighting for more of this life.
Sometimes I get low but try to stay high
Living right now but we’ll meet again after my life.
Forever on that day I will always wonder why
You were one of 58 that we said goodbye
Q, please soon. 18 months of hell. I understand others have had it worse or just as bad but please make this quick. We need truth. We need transparency. We need our Republic back.
LV Widower/Survivor