There is a cause, a root, to nearly every problem America, Americans and the world have had since 1913. Before that, promise was still the watchword in most nations and peoples. Then, the true evil that had been festering below the surface and had been steadily destroying the lives of people in many countries in Europe, slithered its dark force fully toward America. They had been working at it for a few decades but full implementation wasn't possible until they were able to arrange their - to them - "Great Con."
Then all the dark stars aligned and evil had its way. Woodrow Wilson - a democrat - won the Presidency; the democrats bought the Senate; the democrats bought the House and the destruction of the lives of millions of Americans began and the loss of birthright of hundreds of millions of Americans followed.
When woodrow wilson, the democrat House and democrat Senate committed the greatest treason and completely violated the United States Constitution and allowed the setting up of the foreign-owned and controlled, laughingly called the "Federal" Reserve to take over the responsibilities, receive the benefits and privileges of elected officials, without the owners not even being American.
I've looked and perhaps because I'm old I didn't see it but I couldn't find any Article or Amendment in the United States Constitution (or the Canadian Constitution for that matter but that's another story), where it states that the Government of the United States has the right to absolve itself of required responsibilities under the Constitution and grant Elected Government Rights, Privileges and Benefits to unelected foreign and domestic businessmen.
The entire government of 1913 was controlled by democrats and that is truly when the greatest treason in American history began…and continues to this day. What? Do you truly think that once ensconced in power that evil would "take a break" just because another political party won an election? Evil doesn't give a shit, its been doing this for a long time and the democrats just wait until they are politically in power to start openly screwing the country for the edification of their owners. But since they were totally in power in 1913 they bought and started all the phony media, the sickness of pedowood, and to this day, the perversion that is a demand of evil as partial payment for what it provides and that all who participate must provide.
When The Maestro returned the painting of Andrew Jackson to a position of pride, I was hoping it was not only to tell the bankers and the disgusting foreign owners of the fed AND American money but to also shove it down the throats of the treasonous democrats because not only did Andrew Jackson "Make America Great" by taking control of the currency back into the hands of the government where it belongs by LAW but he also began the democrat party. Not, of course, the democrat party of today, treasonous, self-serving, faithful to their foreign owners but at the time, focused on the nation. Money changes everything though and by the time of the great traitor woodrow wilson the democrats were fully bought and paid for and the darkness that they surround themselves with and the evil in control of that darkness had them fully in its grasp.
Now, once again, the darkness that infuses the democratic party at a cellular level is mutating and creating unholy monsters. Willing to see their nation, their neighbors, they heritage, destroyed because they have been ordered to do so by their masters. It isn't just the meat puppets in the media, it's the oh-so-corrupt politicians…and not just democrats either or course, there are lots of evil RINOs as well.
I do understand that they will do all they can to destroy President Trump, they will end his life - as they have already tried several times - if they can, if he gets too close to cutting them off from the American teat, but it must be done and if it takes a million loyal patriots to surround the White House and any place President Trump may go to, to protect him while he brings the evil that warped the democrat party back in 1913 that turned Americans into debt slaves to foreign scumbags, to heel, like a puppy; then that is what must be done. If the democrats attempt another assassination it will be hard to get to The Maestro if there are so many people just being around, but watching, and many…armed.
Pray for President Trump. He needs all of us to save all of us. We cannot, MUST NOT let him stand alone.