Dafna Linzer, Noah Oppenheim & NBC's Targeting of Q
In a discussion on the high number of Q hit pieces on NBC/MS-NBC (about 30 to date), I asked the question, "Who is responsible? Is it Dafna Linzer? >>5996424 pb
Linzer is top political editor at NBC/MS-NBC and was just mentioned by Q in Drop #3304, the implication being that she's a shill for the DNC who recently pressured an indepenendent journalist to kill a story unfavorable to the Dems.
'An anon later gave an alternative answer to my question, "Who is responsible?":
>>5995651 pb
The reason NBC attacks Q harder than the other networks is because of who is in charge there: Noah Oppenheim. Noah is the guy who prevented the Harvey Weinstein story from coming out for over a year, and who kept Matt Lauer gainfully employed while he was locking women in rooms. He's also intimately tied to Hollywood. Noah, as President of NBC News, has people tasked with fighting Q, because Q poses an existential threat to Noah in a way that I haven't seen demonstrated on the other networks.
Looks like NBC if after Q–and QResearch–because its top people (particularly Oppenheim?) are afraid of our ability to uncover things they wish to remain hidden.
So what do we know about Oppenheim from QResear.ch?
1. Oppenheim killed the Harvey Weinstein expose for reasons that look suspicious:
#2818887 pb
* NBC's noah oppenheim killed Ronan Farrow's Harvey Weinstein exposé to protect his Hollywood ambitions: report
* NBC denies these issues had anything to do with their decision to kill the Weinstein story.
* But the network has been scrambling to give a credible explanation for why they sat on an explosive audiotape of a powerful man behaving badly.
2. Oppenheim may have a lot to hide. This anon alludes to his possible involvement in the Frankin child trafficking scandal, connections with Di Caprio and–wait for it–the Standard Hotel:
>>3266844 pb (((NBC))). noah oppenheim. Franklin, black list. di caprio. standard hotel. MASSIVE.
Others anons:
>>2607497 pb haiti - transportation company and beach ownership. NBC - cabal/pedo comm network.
>>2579826 pb NBC must be the central node for black hat pedo comms. Q is emphasizing it over and over again.
>>2579366 pb NBC = (((noah oppenheim))). Franklin and the fucking blacklist (gatekeeper for hollywood)….Human trafficking. Pedo rapists. Child rapists. Racially motivated, SAME as the fucking paki scum in UK.
#2238941 pb Blacklist Anon comes on the board and DRAWS A WHOLE LOTTA ATTENTION TO PRESIDENT OF NBC CONNECTIONS noah oppenheim's fishy connections- NEXT DAY CNBC crying about Q drops ON TV - DESPERATE AND STUPID
#2213042 pb Did anyone see that Lance Oppenheim, younger relative of noah oppenheim head of NBC and Weinstein associate, made a film about PEDOGATE??
Time for a deeper DIGG on Noah Oppenheim?
Moar links:
https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/pressure-on-nbc-exec-to-resign-after-revelation-he-dined-with-sex-creep-harvey-weinstein-before-spiking-expose [10-19-17]
List of articles targeting Q (attached)