What does "o7" mean?
Shit posts welcome since ive opend myself up
What does "o7" mean?
Shit posts welcome since ive opend myself up
Report Added Watch.
We come from different walks, different lives.
It's all there.
It's all yours
Game counter active;
Cant comment.
=why not?
referring to [Game] Theory
unfair to give (my) answer or refer further.
Have a good day anon! Coffee is Great.
are you playing?
Game is on!
A few anons have it , or are close…
I've had it since 3/28
But this is for everyone…
Im out.
Have a good day
you are not wrong
that is stage 2
We are in stage 1
AIMock God
Zoo: Humans?
Other cultures survival depended upon 'creating' "God."
You know whats in your heart; the smae spirit touched you that was in others, and me.
It's there.
One battle at a time. Unleash the Fighter's hands…
Go to your home,and family and work from there.
If someone were to try to pin the holy spirit; they cant, it's a walking spiritual internet of all alive and all dead. Welcome
to the brotherhood…
Dont fall for division; it's already beneath you.
Stage 2; (…)