Monday, April 1, 2019
Woman In Infamous Biden Handsy Picture Defends Former VP – Says It Was “Moment Between Close Friends”
Jim Hoft April 1, 2019
It was just a moment… Between close friends.
Stephanie Carter, wife of former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, penned a piece this weekend in defense of Creepy Uncle Joe Biden.
Stephanie says the photos of Joe hugging her was just a “moment between close friends.”
Via The Medium:
It happened again two weeks ago. I was at an industry conference comprised of my female peers — what would be my last time there as I had announced my intent to start my own company — when a friend ran up to me joyously stating she had “seen me”. I assumed she was referring to a recent piece in an industry newsletter about my retirement from my firm and transition to entrepreneurship, but she quickly let me know that it was again that picture which Jimmy Fallon had shown the night before.
Last night, I received a text from a friend letting me know that picture was once again all over Twitter in connection to Lucy Flores’ personal account of a 2014 encounter with Joe Biden. Let me state upfront that I don’t know her, but I absolutely support her right to speak her truth and she should be, like all women, believed. But her story is not mine. The Joe Biden in my picture is a close friend helping someone get through a big day, for which I will always be grateful. So, as the sole owner of my story, it is high time that I reclaim it — from strangers, Twitter, the pundits and the late-night hosts.
Read the rest here:
OK then.