Until it is covered by the MSM it didn't happen….
Someone should hold a press conference and release these results…once & for all
are they criminally stupid or just insane???
former governor Lickenpooper came from my state….a real loser
He still Ain't Done Shit!
>The letters to Huber from Sessions and from Sessions to Jordan and Meadows are real. (You) however, are a fake. Fuck off.
"The Letters are real"……….Who the fuck cares about letters????? ACTION is REQUIRED at this point…..
So take your Blind Following Elsewhere….Trust MUST BE EARNED!
>What you have earned is a filter for shilling so loudly. Toodles
Oh no, you hurt my feelings….you are just a mirror image of a blind libturd
>Trust does not need to be earned, it can be given blindly till broken
That is HOW we got into this Mess in the first place….Blindly trusting our government, our politicians….
IF we are ever going to fix this, we have to STOP doing that
>Nobody said trust fuckheads.
You Trust whoever you want…..keep repeating the mistakes that got us here…..