>>6003232 (lb)
Trump WON the POPULAR VOTE by 13 Million VOTES!!!
Let me ask fellow Anons this?
Would President Trump [knowingly] lie to us (The American Public)(The World)..
If your answer is Yes and the public found out about it…
Who would be pissed off about it? and all shit would hit the fan..Am I Right!!!
Well we have:
MSM/News even some of the Conservative News stations would be a little pissed that the Trump lied.
Liberals and everyone else who didn't like Trump
Ok…now…here we go…Occum's Razor.
Let's say Trump wasn't/hasn't been lying to us…then all the information about what Trump has been saying must be true. (Twitter, rallies,on TV interviews..etc…).
For one simple fact if this was a Sting OP and Trump knew it or was part of it…then he would have been lying the whole time to us/the world…right?
Trump always said that this is a Hoax…That Mueller and his 19 Top Democrat Lawyers were bias.
Trump always complained that if RR wore a wire it would be bad.
I'm not really going over all the stuff that Trump said about the bad guys and the attempted coup.
As far as you know…Has Trump been wrong???
So, if everything Trump says was true and he has been telling the truth(which I think he has)..I think we need to give a Special Thanks to:
Matthew Whittaker
William Barr
Devon Nunes
Mark Meadows
Rudy Giuliani
Sara Carter
John Soloman
Big round of applause for Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch
Sean Hannity
Tucker Carlson
Judge Jeanine Piro
Special Thanks to Adam Dershowitz (D)
'Q' and the 'Q' Team plus many, many fellow Top Anons…
And many more…
== Only certain types of people run a business and only a certain type of person can run a big business (CEO) successfully…now put that into running a big
Government like ours USA….==
Just because they are able to get the job..question is:
We know this:
Can Biden do it?
Can Buttigieg do it?
Can Warren do it?
Can Booker do it?
Can Beto do it?
Can Bernie do it?
Can Castro do it?
Can Delaney do it?
Can Gabbard do it?
Can Gillibrand do it? lol…I laugh because between her and bernie…I don't know who is worse!!!…lol
Can Harris do it?
Can Hickenlooper do it?
Can Inslee do it?
Can Klobuchar do it?
Can Weld do it?
Can Williamson do it?
Can Yang do it?
== Before they get to go to the booth…I would like to see all the paperwork on these people…like a Resume' of sorts to see if they are qualified to run a country
this BIG!!! ==
Just can't see it in my mind any one of these losers, who probably would have a really hard time running a small business,,,I am not comfortable letting them run
my country!!!!
Are you???
KEK @ brown hat
Would be great if there you could find some sauce to back that up with some hard evidence…it would be a nice dream…but that would all it is "A dream".
Two posts in ONE!!! copy and paste from (pb)
Since Nancy P. doesn't want to approve any money to the wall or south border protection..
And it is costing a small fortune to try to catch and keep these Illegals safe…
I would say…screw that..you want to come here..Ship them California, let them deal with it…let it get so clogged up they will sign anything to get rid of the Illegals..
Just tell them when they come over the border..Free Rides to :
"California is the place you ought to be"
So they need to load up their truck and they need to move to Beverly……Hills, that is. with swimming pools, and movie stars.
Just have a bunch of buses waiting for them..and ask them where they want to go…but the only options are
Nancy P. district..
Maxine W. district..
Swalwell. district.
And what ever else I left out…let their district get filled up first…
This just might be too simple…WE BUY MEXICO!!!, if they want to much then we conquer Mexico(since they are NOT helping the matter…GO MEDIEVAL ON THEIR ASSES!!!)…put a border wall on the south part of Mexico(much smaller wall) and since HALF OF FUCKING MEXICANS ARE ALREADY HERE…JUST FOLD THEM INTO THE MIX OF CALIFORNIA ONLY!!!!…sort them out later..FUCK THE WALL!!! just herd them to California…Nancy's district or Maxine's district…see how fast they need some money to help is immigration…pitch a tent right on Nancy's front yard..they can start there..
I know something I won't tell!!!
can you find Biden in the second pic?
Well if they can break a 64 character Password..they can have all they want with my computer…I don't have much money…
in fact if they wanted to rob me…they would just be practicing…I had someone hack my bank account and felt so bad for me when he saw my balance that they made a deposit…so let them try!!!!
Biden calls that touching, but most people call it groping!!!