POTUS put out a SCOTUS nomination list and the ACB SLIDE began - debunked on this NEWS board and now the MSM has taken up the SLIDE!
here is one post from the board digs that explains why ACB will NOT be nominated by POTUS - there are moar
LAWFAG here on why ACB is not going to be the next or any future nominee - soory its long BUT anons need to learn up on habeus corpus = detention of enemy combatants w/o court interference…
most anons know about her extreme "charismatic" catholic/evangeclical religious worship and it is not good at all - includes many women's issues easily attacked and also talking in tongues and other out of the mainstream biblefag stuff- however since she is so dogmatic many prolifers see her as a lock on that issue and that is as far as they go - i do NOT agree with this approach and believe her extreme beliefs DQ her.
that said POTUS did place her on the short list - IMO to appease said prolifers and evangelicals - however there is an indpt and objective reason why POTUS will not nominate her - and that is her announced position on habeus corpus.
as anons know a writ of Habeus Corpus is a legal device to get out of jail/arrest and into court - guaranteed by the Constitution no less - POTUS can suspend this writ in times of war and ER - OK great so what is the problem?
Well in 2014 this ACB wrote a vapid piece claiming that POTUS does not have the power to suspend habeus - ONLY CONGRESS - and went around the country giving this stinking opinion - heres the link:
This legal opinion is unsound and illogical. The authors point out that the writ was needed because the monarch (executive) imprisoned persons w/o judicial process - the parliment thus passed a law prohibiting this action - the authors go on to point out that the founding fathers "…valued the Great Writ because they had this history in mind. Yet those who framed and ratified the Constitution also believed that in times of crisis, the executive might need leeway to hold suspects without answering to a court."
OK here is the disconnect - clearly the monarch had the power to imprison people - the legislature wanted to curb that power and did - that is the history - that is clearly was (is) the executive (monarch) that has this power.
So now on to the constitution - which ACB cites as her reasoning - Articl 1 Section 9 which provides that "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." Seems pretty clear right? WRONG! This clause LIMITS CONGRESS POWER - NOT POTUS POWER - Proof? LOOK AT THE TITLE OF THIS SECTION WHICH READS:
Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 9 - Limits on Congress
limits on congress! NOT POTUS. NOWHERE in the Constitution is POTUS historical power to suspend habeus corpus limited or made subject to Congress. Well what does SCOTUS have to say about this? NOT MUCH! The case taught in law scholl for the ACB position is Ex Parte Merriman - and it is true that case is cited for that proposition - but here is the catch - that was part of the legal confrontations in the runup to civil war - and decided by only ONE DISTRICT COURT JUDGE not SCOTUS - and BTW LINCOLN ignored it. So should we.