>Anon escaping the tentacles of the deep state
>don't the majority of them oppose Bibi due to his blatant corruption
I honestly have no idea on what is his approval rate.
>what are the facts or your thoughts regarding the regional developments and their impact on the future of the Middle East? Erdogan is fighting to keep his power now, too after the election uproar yesterday. Syria, Turkey, Iran, Israel, SA, Russia and the US… something's cooking.. I smell collusion of a possibly positive nature. Anyone?
Honestly, I don't know. I like to read a lot about Judaism and Jewish history and about some basic stuff about Israel, but I don't have a deep enough knowledge of current Israel politics to tell you anything useful. I do presume that Bibi must have some hardcore supporters among the most fanatical supremacists in Israel (and when I say supremacists I mean it, I don't use the word like the MSM uses it for everything they dislike), and that would inevitably lead many Israelis to not like him (some Israelis (and only about 75% of them are Jews) don't like that kind of stance on things).
>Future of the Middle East
Hopefully US stops being a bitch to Israel sooner rather than later and as such Israel stops plunging the region into chaos and it stabilizes (because without their US attack dog doing their bidding (in result of said ZOG), Israel won't be able impose its will on its neighbors), but I don't know enough about the ins and outs of the different players there to give you an educated answer.
Like I said, as long as Israel is losing the general public support world wide, that is great for the West, because we need it in order to stop being pimped by them, and the trend has been set in that direction (thank God).
Perhaps you should start reading the online newspapers of the regions and start talking on /pol/ and /int/ with people from those countries (careful that VPNs might make it so that they can LARP has being from there but the flag being from where the VPN is from, not the user).
One more thing, one of the issues in Israel among Jews is that there is racism between the different types of Jewish race: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_ethnic_divisions
You can read about that on this book (its from 1985, but I am pretty sure that things might not be as different now, you will need to dig on that): http://archive.vn/buNnX - "The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel".
Kek, I am not ebot, I was just making a little April's fool joke.
He has some cool stuff.
Its important to broach those issues.
Nobody is more dangerous than the groups that you can't criticize.
Pics related are whitepills regarding the issue of Jewish supremacism. People are waking up and no amount of retarded lays to "combat" "anti-Semitism" are going to stop the Great Awakening regarding the JQ. In fact, the more they try to censor and harass people, the more forceful the backlash is going to be.
>How does a radical (yet charming) Muslim like Omar get elected in a predominantly 64% white with 54% Christian Swedish & German descent Minnesota and only 1% Muslim 5th district?
I'll give you a tip: which group has the most power over public discourse and MSM and constantly supports the pro-multiculti Open Borders agenda (but only for Western Countries)?