Anonymous ID: 44eb2b April 1, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6005605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5608 >>5620


Bakers and anons, Reminder:


>>6005561 ATTN red text cunt trying to kayfabe and give easy 'feed' to discredit rightful digs into the fucking kikes and their criminality in being anti-world, anti-American, anti-POTUS

ID: 91ab92

>>6005562 Literally same ATTN red text bull(((shit))) just twisting Q drops that exposed (((them))).

ID: 29dc11


same as the fucking weak ass "llama gook kid "muhjooshill shill".



It's easy to pick these shill fuckers out. They lie too much.