Anonymous ID: 52ed1c April 1, 2019, 11:22 a.m. No.6006009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6029 >>6045 >>6096



Baker here.

I can take it nb if you need to go, baker.

Maybe RGB will appear before then too.



You did everything perfectly baker, really.

The only tiny thing was, the notables post was too long. Any one post can be max 100 lines.

We remove the bottom batch as we create a new batch (the top one), just delete them from your paste.

Before deleteing, take the bun link and thread number from the bottom of the batch and add it to 'previously collected'.

Pic related.

You did an awesome job. Kudos !

Anonymous ID: 52ed1c April 1, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6006157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6216


>max 100 lines

Yep, if you're using notepad++ (awesome and free, you can have many tabs), you can quickly count the lines in the notables post.

Everyone's different but I usually have 3 notables batches at any one time in mine, 2 below the one I'm creating.


>looks like the guy in the baking video removes three batches of notables

It's different every time, always check when you first get the dough. You'll 99% of the time have to delete the bottom one.


>I take it 95% of the time previous baker will have already done that

No, it won't have been done. You receive the paste which is posted in the dough, so you usually need to delete the bottom batch.

Anonymous ID: 52ed1c April 1, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6006247   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon, do you come into someone's house and demand they accomodate you?

If you don't know how to find the new bread yourself, LURK MORE, take a look around the NEW PLACE you've rocked up at and STFU until you know how.