Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.6006339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6952

DHS Secretary Orders “Emergency Surge” of Border Patrol Agents Amid Illegal Alien Invasion


On Monday morning, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen ordered an “emergency surge” of border patrol agents amid the illegal alien invasion.


In a statement, DHS Chief Nielson ordered CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan to implement “emergency surge operations” to reallocate 750 officers to the border.


“The crisis at our border is worsening, and DHS will do everything in its power to end it,” Nielsen said in a written statement. “We will not stand idly by while Congress fails to act yet again, so all options are on the table. We will immediately redeploy hundreds of CBP personnel to the border to respond to this emergency. We will urgently pursue additional reinforcements from within DHS and the interagency. And we will require those seeking to enter the United States to wait in Mexico until an immigration court has reviewed their claims.”


The Hill reported:


Nielsen has also directed CBP to expand the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), a DHS plan to return migrants to Mexico while they wait for their day in immigration court.


Under Nielsen’s directive, CBP will return hundreds more migrants per day to Mexico, including those caught at or between points of entry, according to DHS.


Nielsen further ordered the agency to plan to expand the MPP plan beyond California and Texas, the locations where it currently operates.


President Trump tweeted late Sunday night, “Homeland Security is being soooo very nice, but not for long!”


The US Border Patrol is being forced to restart “catch-and-release” at the border because there isn’t enough bed space to hold illegal aliens and under the law, they cannot be immediately sent back across the border.


A record surge at the US-Mexico border is forcing border patrol agents to directly release illegal aliens into communities for the first time since the Bush administration.


Over 100,000 illegal aliens will be detained at the US-Mexico border in March alone — this is an invasion.


President Trump recently declared a national emergency to secure funding for a border wall and both Democrats and Republicans are pushing back against the President.


Huge caravans of Central American migrants have marched up through Mexico to the US border which has overwhelmed the asylum system — and another caravan is on the way.


The US is projected to add about 1.5 million illegal aliens (Democrat voters) to the American population by the end of 2019, should the current rates of border crossing and visa overstays continue, reported Breitbart.


The situation at the border is so dire that even Obama’s DHS Chief Jeh Johnson acknowledged there “truly is a crisis” at the southern border.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.6006365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6397 >>6408 >>6477 >>6853 >>7009

Costco Drops Roundup Weedkiller After $80 Million Awarded In Second Cancer Case: Report


Costco has reportedly decided to stop selling Roundup weedkiller after a federal jury in San Francisco awarded more than $80 million to 70-year-old California man, Edwin Hardeman, who was diagnosed with cancer after spraying the herbicide on his property for decades.


According to the founder of Moms Across America, Zen Honeycutt, Costco will no longer carry Roundup or other glyphosate-based herbicides in their spring shipments.


Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt, whose petition calling for Costco to stop selling Roundup has more than 150,000 signatures on, wrote on her website:


"I called the headquarters, and after two days of messages and calls, I did finally confirm with three people that Costco was not ordering Roundup or any glyphosate-based herbicides for the incoming spring shipments."


Costco has yet to issue an official statement on the petition. However, in conversations with the administrative staff at various stores, Big Think has learned that the product was pulled off the floor this week per corporate orders — meaning, Costco's removal of Roundup applies to "all locations." -Big Think


Honeycutt's group is now petitioning Home Depot and Lowe's to pull Roundup from their shelves as well.


"We call on Home Depot and Lowe's today to step up as Costco has to protect us, your customers, and stop selling Roundup (and all glyphosate herbicides) now, due to its carcinogenic effects and lack of labeling," reads the petition. "Everyone deserves to know! These products should not be sold to the public!"


Bayer - which acquired the Roundup brand in its $63 billion purchase of Monsanto in June of last year, plans to appeal last week's verdict, and "vigorously defend" its product, according to Bloomberg. Since the transaction, Bayer has lost over 40% of its value according to Bloomberg.


The company will continue to “vigorously defend” the herbicide, which it considers safe, Christian Hartel, a spokesman, said by phone from Bayer’s headquarters in Leverkusen, Germany. It plans to appeal the verdict and doesn’t view the ruling as a harbinger for others because each trial has different factual and legal circumstances. -Bloomberg

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.6006400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6440 >>6853 >>6997 >>7009

Grammy-Nominee, Making Documentary on ‘Cure for Cancer and AIDS’, Murdered in Broad Daylight


After announcing that he was making a documentary that could bring down the medical industrial complex, Grammy-nominated rapper, Nipsey Hussle was gunned down.


Los Angeles, CA — Nipsey Hussle was a Grammy-nominated rapper who served as an inspiration to other great musicians and athletes. At the time of his death he was working on a documentary following the life of Dr. Sebi—real name—Alfredo Darrington Bowman, and his alleged cures for cancer and AIDS. That documentary may never come to light now, because on March 31, 2019, Hussle was murdered in broad daylight outside of his clothing shop in Los Angeles.


Now, many people are coming forward to allege that this documentary was a factor in Hussle’s murder. According to Heavy, the doc, which followed the 1985 court trial in which Dr. Sebi proved he had a cure for AIDS, allegedly contained evidence that the government assisted in Dr. Sebi’s death.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.6006427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6466 >>6468 >>6634

'How does this serve US interests?’ Gabbard slams decision to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear weapons tech


Tulsi Gabbard has slammed the US for allowing firms to sell Saudi Arabia nuclear tech despite its history of exporting extremism which inspires Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and Al-Qaeda, which she says the Kingdom supports.


The Hawaiian congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate took aim at the Kingdom’s history of extremism in a Twitter video that criticized Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s secret authorizations, to six US companies, allowing for the sale of nuclear power technology and assistance to Saudi Arabia, as Reuters revealed last week. Gabbard said the move is “both mind-blowing and inexplicable.”


Saudi Arabia is the “primary exporter of jihadist ideology, Wahhabi Salafist ideology that is the motivation and inspiration for terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda - groups that the Saudis both directly and indirectly support,” Gabbard said.


The kingdom has been tied to Al-Qaeda and extremism in the past, with 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers coming from Saudi Arabia, according to the CIA. In 2015, one of the alleged hijackers, Zacarias Moussaoui, claimed several members of the Saudi royal family had been listed as Al-Qaeda donors in the database he worked on under orders of Osama bin Laden, US media reported.


WikiLeaks cables from the US State Department from 2009 revealed“donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” In a 2014 email, published by WikiLeaks, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Saudi Arabia was “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.” It has also supplied weapons to IS in Syria.


Saudi Arabia is reportedly planning to create at least two nuclear power plants, but many are concerned that’s a precursor to developing nuclear weapons, which would further destabilize the region. It was also reported, last year, that Israel was selling Saudi Arabia nuclear secrets.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.6006443   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No, Russia Hasn't Begun A Syrian-Like Military Intervention In Venezuela


The Mainstream Media went into a tizzy after reports emerged that Russia dispatched military aid to Venezuela over the weekend, sending two planes full of unspecified wares and accompanied by roughly 100 troops. The President of the National Constituent Assembly later confirmed the arrival but declined to describe its exact purpose, which led to foreign observers wildly speculating that Russia might be in the opening stages of a Syrian-like intervention in support of the democratically elected and legitimate government of Nicolas Maduro against the rising foreign-backed threat of regime change terrorists. That interpretation of events, however, is “jumping the gun” after a diplomatic source from Caracas told Sputnik that the visit was planned far in advance and is in no way connected to the threat of a foreign military invasion of the country.


That didn’t stop National Security Advisor Bolton from having a field day about this, though, since he quickly took advantage of the Mainstream and even Alternative Media’s speculative reports to articulate the modern-day “Monroe Doctrine” of “Fortress America” by declaring on Twitter that “The United States will not tolerate hostile foreign military powers meddling with the Western Hemisphere’s shared goals of democracy, security, and the rule of law.” He recently railed against Russia just the other week for its energy and mineral deals with Venezuela precisely because such arrangements help keep Maduro’s government afloat during this tough time of sanctions, so it’s entirely within his character to make a big public deal out of its military aid in order to fearmonger about “foreign plots” to the hemisphere while distracting from his country’s own.


Back to the reality of what’s probably happening, it’s actually commonplace for military trainers to accompany weapons shipments abroad in order to train the recipient’s armed forces in how to properly use their new equipment, and the reported presence of Russian troops in Venezuela doesn’t mean that the country is preparing for a conventional military intervention there like some suspect. In fact, not only does Russia lack the prerequisite of reliable access to Venezuela that would make such a scenario feasible in the first place, but the presence of its uniformed men on the ground halfway across the world wouldn’t be a deterrent to any conventional US strike against the South American country because America hasn’t let this stop them from regularly bombing Syria where there are many more Russian troops, equipment, and even official bases.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6006479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6508 >>6560 >>6675 >>6824 >>6853 >>6891 >>7009 >>7047

Johnstone: Leaked '401'-Page Mueller Report Proves Barr Lied, Collusion Theorists Vindicated


An unredacted copy of the Robert Mueller report has been leaked to theWashington Post, who published the full document on its website Monday.


The report contains many shocking revelations which prove that Attorney General William Barr deceived the world in his summary of its contents, as astute Trump-Russia collusion theorists have been claiming since it emerged.


For example, while Barr’s excerpted quote from the report may read like a seemingly unequivocal assertion, “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” it turns out that the full sentence reads very differently:


“It is totally not the case that the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”


The following sentence is even more damning: “It definitely did establish that that happened.”


The report goes on to list the evidence for numerous acts of direct conspiracy between Trump allies and the Russian government, including a detailed description of the footage from an obtained copy of the notorious “kompromat” video, in which Trump is seen paying Russian prostitutes to urinate on a bed once slept in by Barack and Michelle Obama, as well as other documents fully verifying the entire Christopher Steele dossier which was published by BuzzFeed in January 2017.


Other evidence listed in the report includes communication transcripts in which Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen ordering President Trump to bomb Syria, stage a coup in Venezuela, arm Ukraine, escalate against Russia in America’s Nuclear Posture Review, withdraw from the INF treaty and the Iran deal, undermine Russia’s fossil fuel interests in Germany, expand NATO, and maintain a large military presence near Russia’s border.


These things were done, according to Putin, in order to “keep things interesting.”


Mueller told reporters Monday morning that there would indeed be mass indictments of large numbers of Trump associates revealed in the near future, including Jared Kushner and Donald Trump, Jr, just as the diligent journalism of MSNBC and other respected news media outlets have been assuring. Mueller said the delay in the arrests, and the mountain of evidence which will surely lead to Trump’s impeachment, was due to the need to “cross a few ‘t’s and dot a few ‘i’s.”


When asked why he didn’t reveal to the public that Barr was misrepresenting the contents of his report, Mueller responded with a mischievous grin, “I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.” He then put on a pair of sunglasses and rode off on a motorcycle due east into the rising sun, while the smooth notes of a single saxophone resounded through the D.C. cityscape.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6006498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6985

Washington Post: Joe Biden Creeping On Women Is Part Of His ‘Warm And Upbeat Persona’


The Washington Post minimized allegations that former Vice President Joe Biden is inappropriate with women Monday, asserting that his intimate gestures are fixtures of his “warm and upbeat persona.”


Biden’s infamous closeness with women — putting his hands on their shoulders, kissing them on the head, and so on — was brought to the forefront over the weekend after Lucy Flores said she felt deeply uncomfortable when Biden “inhaled” her hair and slowly kissed the back of her head.


The Washington Post described this behavior as a Biden “trademark” and suggested it is indicative of a warm personality rather than a desire to be inappropriately affectionate with women.


“This affectionate and sometimes intimate physical style is one of the former vice president’s trademarks, a defining feature of the warm and upbeat persona he has built during more than four decades in the national spotlight,” WaPo said. “Though photos attesting to this behavior abound on the Internet, they were often framed in past news accounts as harmless and sometimes entertaining.”


Biden released a statement about the Flores allegation and explained that he never intended to act inappropriately nor make anyone uncomfortable.


“In my many years on the campaign trail and in public life, I have offered countless handshakes, hugs, expressions of affection, support and comfort. And not once — never — did I believe I acted inappropriately. If it is suggested I did so, I will listen respectfully. But it was never my intention,” Biden said.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.6006550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu campaign boosted by slander bots calling opponent 'mentally ill', 'gay', 'rapist' – report


Ahead of parliamentary elections in Israel next week, a watchdog group claims to have exposed a network of fake accounts supporting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and slandering his opponents, including false rape accusations.


In a campaign already marred by pending corruption and bribery charges, Netanyahu's Likud party certainly does not need another scandal with eight days left before Israelis head to the polls. Nonetheless, a selectively released report by Noam Rotem and Yuval Adam of social-media watchdog group Big Bots Project claims that a nexus of hundreds of fake accounts has been disseminating messages of support for the ruling party, while maliciously attacking their opponents. While it is difficult to say exactly how many fake accounts were actually involved, the project identified at least 400.


The researchers believe that aside from bots, some individuals were hired to run multiple Twitter accounts in order to engage in coordinated social media influence campaigns. While there is no explicit evidence to link either Netanyahu or the party to the coordinated manipulation activity, the malign network has operated with suspicious proximity to Likud's own election strategies. The fake accounts have been retweeted by Likud campaign officials, and even the prime minister's son.


"The network operates through manipulations, slander, lies and spreading rumors," the report said, according to an advanced copy sent to the New York Times. "On its busiest days, the network sends out thousands of tweets a day." The tweets, which were all in Hebrew, are said to have received around 2.5 million hits.


As Netanyahu's long-held position came under increasing threat from his leading opponent, former military chief of staff Benny Gantz, the bot army began to set its sights on the army general. According to the report, the fake accounts spread a number of sensational rumors about Gantz, including accusations that he is a rapist and a homosexual.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.6006601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6614 >>6679

Eurocrat Juncker Calls Cameron ‘One of the Greatest Destroyers of All Time


ean-Claude Juncker has said that Remain-backing former Tory Prime Minister David Cameron was “one of the greatest destroyers of all time” for stopping the European Commission from being involved in the UK’s 2016 referendum Remain campaign.


The president of the European Union’s unelected executive arm told the regional parliament of Saarland, Germany, on Monday in comments reported by The Telegraph, “We were forbidden from being present in any way in the referendum campaign by Mr. Cameron, who is one of the great destroyers of modern times.


“Because he said the Commission is even less popular in the UK than it is in other EU member states.”


“If we had been able to take part in this campaign, we could have asked — and also answered — many questions that are only being asked now,” he added in assertions that the democratic decision of British citizens required the input of Brussels.


The comments echo similar remarks made by the Commission chief in March 2017 when Mr Juncker said, “I have met in my life two big destroyers: Gorbachev, who destroyed the Soviet Union, and Cameron, who destroyed the United Kingdom to some extent.”


Mr Cameron tried to portray himself, in public, as a defender of British sovereignty against EU powergrabbing in 2014 when he said of then-presidential candidate Juncker that he was the “wrong person” to lead the Commission, saying the Luxembourgish politician had been “at the heart of the project to increase the power of Brussels and reduce the power of nation states for his entire working life.”


However, Mr Juncker told media in February 2018 that Cameron had later apologised numerous times for refusing to back his candidacy — within months of the Eurocrat’s appointment.


Concerned that a ‘purple wave’ of UKIP voters led by then-party leader Nigel Farage would return a high number of the party’s candidates to the British Parliament in 2015, Europhile and then-Prime Minister David Cameron pledged that if his party won the election, he would hold a referendum of the UK’s membership of the EU. Campaigning for Remain, Mr Cameron resigned days after the people delivered a vote to leave.


Mr Juncker’s comments come after he expressed frustration over the Brexit process, telling Italian state television RAI on Sunday, saying, “With our British friends we have a lot of patience, but even patience is running out.”


“So far we know what the British parliament says no to, but we don’t know what it might say yes to,” Mr Juncker said, adding that he wants parliamentarians to agree on what they want “in the coming hours and days.”


Juncker’s overestimation the EU’s influence in a nation’s ability to leave the bloc manifested again last month, when the European Commission president threatened that either the UK accept the controversial Withdrawal Agreement, or “Brexit might not happen at all.”

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.6006624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6739 >>6853 >>7009 >>7028

MSNBC's Mika Defends Biden: He's Just 'Extremely Affectionate, Extremely Flirtatious In A Completely Safe Way'


On Monday, “Morning Joe” cohost Mika Brzezinski, reacting to a former Nevada State Assemblywoman’s tale of former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately grabbing her and kissing her on the top of the head, defended Biden’s oft-criticized actions toward women by saying he was just “extremely affectionate, extremely flirtatious in a completely safe way.”


Former Nevada Democrat state assemblywoman Lucy Flores wrote of her encounter with Biden in 2014:


Just before the speeches, we were ushered to the side of the stage where we were lined up by order of introduction. As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?” I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. … I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. I had never experienced anything so blatantly inappropriate and unnerving before … he made me feel uneasy, gross, and confused."


After that story broke, some Democratic presidential candidates criticized Biden; Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren snapped, "I read the op-ed last night … I believe Lucy Flores. And Joe Biden needs to give an answer." Julian Castro, who served as Barack Obama’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, commented, "We need to live in a nation where people can hear her truth," adding that Flores should be believed.

Leftist website Vox reported of Biden’s history with women:


Biden’s been caught on camera embracing a female reporter from behind and ripping her above her waist, just below her bust. At a swearing-in ceremony for Defense Secretary Ash Carter, Biden put his hands on the shoulders of Stephanie Carter, Carter’s wife, and then leaned in and whispered into her ear. (He’s whispered into many women’s ears.) He’s also touched women’s faces and necks during other photo ops. Once at a swearing-in ceremony for a U.S. senator, he held the upper arm of the senator’s preteen daughter, leaned down and whispered into her ear, as she became visibly uncomfortable. Then he kissed the side of her forehead, a gesture that made the girl flinch.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6006649   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remainer Takeover of Parliament Sees MPs Vote on Brexit Alternatives


MPs will again take over the business of the Commons from the government to vote on a series of Brexit ‘alternatives’ after parliamentarians voted down Prime Minister Theresa May’s controversial Withdrawal Agreement for a third time on Friday.


Europhile Tory MP Sir Oliver Letwin tabled the motion last week on a series of indicative (non-binding) votes, in what Remainers and soft-Brexiters believe will break the Parliamentary deadlock over the Withdrawal Agreement, which remains fundamentally objectionable to Brexiteers and the Northern Irish conservative-unionist Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).


17:00 UPDATE — Speaker of the House of Commons Rejects Brexiteer Options for Tonight’s Vote


Speaker Bercow has selected four options for debate and vote which either tie the UK in close union with the EU or threaten to cancel Brexit altogether, rejecting other pro-Brexit options that include leaving the EU in a clean break without a deal on April 12th.


The motions selected are:


Option C where any deal or political declaration must include at least a customs union with the EU;

Option D, a ‘Common Market 2.0’ Norway-style relationship with the EU, including membership of EFTA, the Single Market, and the free movement of people;

Option E which would require a second, ‘confirmatory,’ referendum on the deal;

and Option G, that if a deal has not been agreed and MPs have rejected leaving without a deal, Article 50 must be revoked and Brexit cancelled altogether. (Further details of the motions can be read in the original reporting below.)


John Baron MP, who proposed motions A and B, brought a point of order to ask the Speaker to clarify his rationale, as motion A (coming out of the Irish backstop unilaterally) is new and has previously received a majority and B, leaving the EU without a deal, as it is “Actually the legal default position for us triggering Article 50.”


Mr Speaker replied that as “we are acting in a negotiation with the European Union,” it has been made clear by the EU that that reexamination of the backstop is not being offered by Brussels, saying, “It may or may not feature in the future, but in terms of trying to broker progress, now I did not think it would be the most sensible motion to choose at this time.”


“In relation to the ‘no deal notion’… the honourable gentleman is exactly right. It is precisely because it is the default position in law that having on the paper, in my view, is a rhetorical assertion [and] is a statement of fact, but it does not, in my judgement, require debate,” Mr Speaker said.


Debating on the motions are set to continue until 8pm where votes will be made on ballot papers, with results to be revealed at around 10pm tonight.


The Original Reporting Continues Below…

MPs voted in favour of MPs taking over Brexit business, a motion tabled by Sir Oliver, on March 25th which the government said would set a dangerous and disruptive constitutional precedent.


However, of the overwhelming Remainer and soft Brexit options presented to the 650 lawmakers in the first set of indicative votes on Wednesday, parliament voted against everything.


Given Remainers were unable to coalesce around one way of stopping Brexit, Sir Oliver & co is pushing for further votes today. MPs are set to approve the business motion at 3:30pm with Wednesday blocked off for similar debates.


After the vote on the business motion, MPs will debate the options until 8pm where they will make their choices on ballots papers, all results to be revealed by Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow in one statement.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.6006671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6853 >>7009

World famous magician David Blaine Under NYPD Investigation Over Sexual-Assault Allegations


According to a new report by The Daily Beast, world famous magician David Blaine is currently under investigation by the New York Police Department for allegations of sexual assault against "at least two women." He has not been charged with any crime, and the superstar illusionist told the outlet that he hasn't been contacted by police.


Citing a "senior NYPD official with knowledge of the probe," The Daily Beast reported Monday that Blaine is being investigated by the department concerning two claims of sexual assault. The senior official told the outlet that the department's Special Victims unit has taken statements from two women.

"At least one of the claims may fall outside the statute of limitations: a woman told detectives she was sexually assaulted by Blaine inside his Manhattan apartment in 1998, according to a person familiar with her complaint," The Daily Beast reports.

Neither Blaine nor the NYPD offered an official statement on the reported investigation. Saying he has no comment, Blaine noted that he hasn't been approached by the department, while the NYPD offered only a generic statement stressing that it takes sexual assault allegations "extremely seriously and urges anyone who has been a victim to file a report so we can perform a comprehensive investigation, and offer support and services to survivors."

In October 2017, The Daily Beast exclusively reported allegations against Blaine by former model Natasha Prince, who has apppeared in ad campaigns with Louis Vuitton and Levi's, among others, and now works as an art dealer in New York. Prince said that after meeting Blaine shortly after her 21st birthday, he invited her to a friends' place for drinks. After he offered her something she said "wasn't strong" and "tasted mostly like soda," she said, he invited her back into a bedroom.

"At this point in our conversation, she burst into tears, and we took a 10-minute break to get some air," The Daily Beast's Mark Ebner reported. Blaine then allegedly kissed her. "I did kiss him," she said. "And then he said, 'Finish your drink' and took the glass from me and put it on the table, and that’s really the last thing I remember." She went on to describe feeling "limp" and "floaty" as he had sex with her from behind.

"Officers from the Met’s Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command are investigating an allegation of rape," Scotland Yard told the outlet in a statement. "The allegation was reported to police on 17 November 2016 by a woman who alleged she was raped at an address in Chelsea in June or July 2004 when she was aged 21. There have been no arrests at this stage and enquiries continue."

Blaine denied Prince's allegations, his lawyer saying in a statement: "My client vehemently denies that he raped or sexually assaulted any woman, ever, and he specifically denies raping a woman in 2004. If, in fact, there is any police investigation, my client will fully cooperate because he has nothing to hide."

After taking statements from both parties, Scotland Yard declined pressing charges in September 2018.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6006715   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wall Street’s Dirty Little SECRET Revealed! ETF’s Hiding MEGA Billions


Enron, weather derivatives, LIBOR scandal, MF Global. A whole bunch of insanity that went on for years totally unnoticed. Oh, until it was completely obvious. People don’t know anything about what’s happening behind the scenes and quite frankly, they don’t give a damn. Poor suckers.


Global debt has expanded beyond belief as central banks expand their balance sheets to make up for lack of investment. This is a system built around debt. But more specifically, debt that must continue to exponentially grow. A completely unsustainable fiscal and monetary calamity will result, without question. In the meantime however, don’t stop the party!

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6006768   🗄️.is 🔗kun

People in civilian clothes open fire at protesters in Caracas — paper


A group of armed people wearing civilian clothes opened fire at people taking part in an anti-government protest in the Libertador district of Venezuela’s capital Caracas, the Nacional newspaper has reported.


Two people were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds, the paper said.


Photos from the site of the attack show demonstrate two men, one carrying a weapon resembling a rifle, the other holds a pistol. The paper blamed the violence on Collectivo groups - irregular community organizations that support the current government.


Rallies to protest massive power outages took place in Caracas and other cities on Sunday.


In the Venezuelan capital, angry crowds gathered outside the presidential administration, Palacio de Miraflores, and blocked roads leading to it, demanding that the government restore electricity supplies. There were no reports of clashes with security forces.


Security measures were tightened near Miraflores ahead of the rally, including the deployment of several armored vehicles, as well as numerous military patrols and National Guard officers.


Several major power outages were registered in Venezuela this week.


The Venezuelan capital of Caracas and 20 of the country’s 23 regions were first left without electricity on March 7. The National Electric Company said the blackout had been caused by an accident at the Simon Bolivar Hydroelectric Plant, which Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro blamed on "US imperialism." However, the US Department of State denied any involvement.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6006872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6885

Grand Theft Syria: Cynthia McKinney Exposes Golan Heights Oil Interests In The White House


Is this why National Security Adviser John Bolton delayed the U.S. withdrawal from Syria?


Back in December before Christmas came around, there was a Christmas miracle (Awoo!), 2008 Green Party presidential candidate and former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney exposed Jared Kushner’s evil deeds for Israel’s interests. This included Israeli-backed energy corporation Genie Energy being directly involved in the White House while exploiting the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights (Syria), and its parent company IDT Corporation using placement in the Trump administration to facilitate its 5G portfolio into the hands of Israeli intelligence start-ups like Armis and telecommunications giant Verizon.


McKinney was most recently mentioned in relation to the appointment of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to U.S. Congress.



Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:27 p.m. No.6006900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6907

Ireland votes to ban Israeli goods


Ireland votes to ban Israeli goods by an overwhelming majority of their legislature.


Jimmy Dore explains why.


In contrast: The US wants to ban the banning of Israeli goods.


Israel fascist government whines: “You’re picking on us.”


Bit by bit, Israel will occupy the same position as apartheid South Africa. Widely boycotted and disgraced.


Historical note: Israel and apartheid South Africa were best buddies.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:29 p.m. No.6006923   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why is Trump Facing a Massive Backlash from Militant Zionists Over Golan Heights Declaration?


The internet is a fascinating place in part because of the opportunities it allows people to pick up all sorts of varying perspectives. While this may seem more than obvious, even cliched at this point, it’s important to realize that most people are creatures of habit, and stay within a particular corner of the internet – a set series of sites, a set number of people on twitter they follow, a set number of YouTube channels they check in on. And then of course there are the forced suggestions that social-media forces down content consumers’ throats.


One of the most dangerous things for the establishment is a free thinking people, and ‘internetting’ patterns that defy the above mentioned set patterns and habits. One of the things that FRN has striven to deliver is a fair amount of cross-pollination of various ideas and worldviews. For whatever reason, the establishment ‘right’ believes that’s somehow communism, and the establishment ‘left’ believes that’s fascism.


The whole array of opinions on ‘Trump’ on the question of Israel and Palestine is truly fascinating and reveals a lot about these walled gardens that we co-create with the establishment for ourselves. One thing that may be striking to many, is that when we dig outside of the proscribed corners of the internet, is that hard-core Zionists and Christian Zionists are not exactly happy with Trump.


Why is this the case? How can that be?


This is what we will be looking at today.


It should be noted that at the same time, the hardcore Jewish and Christian Zionists realize that the mass of run-of-the-mill, born-again Christian Zionists and standard Jewish – especially diaspora Zionists – are pleased with his moves on Jerusalem and more significantly to this essay, on Syria’s Golan Heights. Trump, as anyone with an interest in this piece already knows, recently announced that he recognized Syria’s Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967, as Israeli.


But there is also a Pro-Trump anti-Israel corner of the internet, and they begin their analysis of Israel upon the premise (actually, their conclusion from prior moves, etc.), that the generally pro-Zionist establishment is gunning for Trump. When we ask ourselves why this is, and look at this question from the various perspectives that these increasingly intersecting and cross-pollinating areas of the internet reveal, we can land upon some surprising answers.

Anonymous ID: cc7277 April 1, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.6006945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American soldiers aren't dying for our freedom in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They're dying for nothing


No mother wants to think that her child died in vain. But, as two more Americans die in Afghanistan this week, we need to face the truth.


President Trump has promised repeatedly to end “endless wars,” during both his campaign and his tenure so far in office. Despite this rhetoric, endless — and, frankly, pointless —wars are, sadly, still the American norm.


Two more Americans were just killed in Afghanistan — a war that the Trump administration realises needs to end, but seems in no hurry to actually do so. In December 2018, Trump announced that all US troops would be withdrawn from Syria, only to later rescind that declaration in favour of a small force of 400 to 1,000 troops to stay behind indefinitely, complementing the more than 5,000 troops in Iraq, who are there to satiate the administration’s obsession with Iran.


Soldiers who were children when the Afghanistan war began are dying. It’s well past time to bring all of our troops from Afghanistan, Syria, and Iraq home.


My uncle fought in Vietnam. After his deployment, he called my grandmother and said she needed to do everything possible to ensure that my father, who was several years younger, did not eventually find himself sent to South Asia. An easy way to avoid the draft would have been enrolling in college, but in Appalachian Ohio in the 1970s, college wasn’t exactly an option for everyone.


Fortunately, the Vietnam War ended before my father was eligible for the draft, so it was a bridge they never had to cross. I’m not sure what my uncle’s thoughts were when he made that phone call — he died in the mid-90s, so I never got to ask. But it’s reasonable to assume he thought there was something wrong about what the US was doing overseas, and wanted to spare his brother the risk of dying in a pointless war.