>Truth would send 99% to the hospital.
Get Over Yourself…..most simply won't believe it…..but very few would be hospitalized…
>Truth would send 99% to the hospital.
Get Over Yourself…..most simply won't believe it…..but very few would be hospitalized…
>That's a quote from Q dipshit.
IT is Still Bullshit…Overly Dramatic and just More of the Optics…Go Away
You remind me of this kid
>That's why I can smell a Newbie from three blocks away and around the corner.
Well your sniffer is Defective….been here since Feb 18 and my Patience is just GONE!
>Provocateur shill. Support team shill for
>Oh so u do speak faggot then? Gotcha.
I speak many languages…..have to be able to communicate with many different life forms
>You clearly don't understand how deep the rabbit hole goes.
It goes deeper that either of us can imagine…but that will not surprise me
Then the sneaky Russians got Fox News to hire her