Anonymous ID: 19027b April 1, 2019, 2:05 p.m. No.6008183   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8238 >>8262 >>8345 >>8430 >>8440 >>8467 >>8572

Pope Francis used strong language to condemn populism Sunday, suggesting that it gains followers through fear as Hitler did in the 1930s.

“I see that many people of good will, not only Catholics, are a bit gripped by fear, which is the usual message of populism,” the pope told reporters aboard the papal plane returning from Morocco to Rome.


“They sow fear and then make decisions. Fear is the beginning of dictatorships,” he said. “Let’s go back to the last century, to the fall of the Weimar Republic. I repeat this a lot. Germany needed a way out and, with promises and fears, Hitler came forward.”


“We know the result. Let’s learn from history, this is not new: To sow fear is to make a harvest of cruelty, closures, and even sterility,” he said.


Francis also took issue with President Trump’s border wall and other border fencing going up in the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Asked specifically about these two walls, the pope warned that “builders of walls, whether they are of razor-wire or brick, will become prisoners of the walls they build. That’s history.”


We have seen that “we need bridges and we feel pain when we see people who prefer to build walls,” he said.


“Those who build bridges, on the other hand, will go far. Building bridges for me is something almost superhuman, it takes a very great effort,” he said.


“Walls, however, are against communication, they are for isolation and those who build them will become prisoners,” he said.


The hypocrisy from the 'Gate Keeper' is as forked as Brennan's tongue.

Anonymous ID: 19027b April 1, 2019, 2:22 p.m. No.6008418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8479 >>8534

Trump Ends Obama’s Taxpayer-Funded Mortgages for Illegal aliens


In December, a letter from three Senate Democrats claimed that HUD barred “approximately 800,000 individuals approved for DACA from FHA-insured mortgage loans”. This refers to the total number of DACA illegal aliens and it’s unknown how many of them have obtained FHA loans in past years.


Ellie Mae’s millennial tracker estimated that the average size of an FHA loan to millennials is $186,454. Potential exposure to illegal alien mortgages could then climb as improbably high as $150 billion.


It’s unknown how many illegal aliens have taken out FHA loans, but some media stories have cited loan officers for whom illegal alien FHA loans represent a significant percentage of their business.


The Trump administration has applied the brakes to this avalanche of taxpayer-insured mortgages to illegal aliens. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) had begun notifying lenders that the FHA was no longer in the illegal alien mortgage business. The reasons were common sense. DACA illegal aliens, or in media spin, DREAMERs, were not legal residents and weren’t being legalized.


Under Obama, FHA rules had been bent so far backward that people who were not only non-citizens, not only non-permanent residents, but weren’t even legally here, were having taxpayers guarantee their mortgages. Not only hadn’t the Democrats learned anything from the Great Recession, they were determined to make the irresponsible behavior of the FHA a decade ago seem sober and sensible.


And they aren’t giving up.


The December letter by Senator Menendez, who had recently been on trial for corruption charges, Senator Booker, on whose watch the $100 million poured into Newark public schools dissipated, and Senator Cortez-Mastro, who had been accused of taking dirty money, claimed to be, “appalled that the Trump Administration would exploit a federal government program to deny Dreamers an opportunity of owning their own home.” But it was the Democrats who had exploited a federal government program meant for poor Americans to benefit not only foreigners, but illegal aliens with no right to be here.


The letter by the three Senator Democrats falsely claimed that President Trump was targeting a “portion of the American public”, when in fact illegal aliens are not part of the American public. They demanded, “sound and unambiguous legal reasoning” for the move. The sound and unambiguous reasoning would be that illegal aliens are not legally resident in the United States and therefore do not qualify for loans.

Anonymous ID: 19027b April 1, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.6008479   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Menendez, Booker, Cortez Masto Demand Answers from HUD on Reported Discriminatory Policy Denying Dreamers Access to Home Loans


Buzzfeed: “While Trump has not been able to get rid of DACA … recipients and mortgage lenders told BuzzFeed News that … one of the ways the administration is working to reduce benefits for Dreamers is by denying them Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans.”

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), the ranking member of the Senate Subcommittee on Housing, today sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Ben Carson demanding answers in response to a recent report that suggests the Trump Administration has implemented an unofficial policy of denying Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insured mortgages to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, also known as Dreamers. The letter was cosigned by Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.).


“While federal courts have currently stopped President Trump from expelling DACA recipients from the country, this is yet another example of the Administration adopting underhanded tactics to punish DACA recipients for remaining in the United States,” the senators wrote. “We are appalled that the Trump Administration would exploit a federal government program to deny Dreamers an opportunity of owning their own home, a cornerstone of the American dream.”


In an explosive BuzzFeed News report based on interviews with DACA recipients, loan officers, realtors and industry associations, starting around May of this year, Administration officials suddenly began directing lenders not to approve FHA-backed loans for DACA recipients.


Most likely already picked up /PB