The red trees in this picture are Japanese Maples and they are old growth. ( full maturity or close to it ) They grow best in zones 5-8. When they do well you can see full maturity but they can also be finicky trees if grown outside the optimal area. The other trees look like pin oak to me but it is hard to tell from the distance. Blowing the picture up blurs it too much to be sure. They too only grow well in certain areas. I'm just not sure that is what the other trees are.
>>6009669 (me)
I checked with spouse anon and got confirmation of pin oak. The convergence of old growth Japanese Maple, Pin Oak, Pin, and corn suggests the light green/ dark green areas in the planting zone area. There has been some activity around slick Willy's birth area over the last few days. The ammonium nitrate truck explosion was on the road headed towards Hope. The OKC bombing was made up of the same ingredients and blew up the FBI's records housed in the building. The FBI records were related to the Clintons and stored there during the Ken Star investigation. I beleive this could be calling out HRC and warning her to come to his rescue or he will expose the entire thing.