How is the death penalty now considered torture?
This is a BS attempt to get out of execution. Inmate is going to die of lethal injection before he suffocates from his own blood, IF that was even going to happen anyway.
Watch the liberal heads explode now at how cruel the world is. Muy torture…
Just read an article other anon posted. It's BS. It's not torture, by any means. The lethal injection will kill him first.
The amendment was to insure that no state used a method that was moar ruel than was necessary. Lethal injection is the least cruel. Naturally, they were hopng for pity and to get a stay because muy pain….
IMagine if McConnel had done it last year how many moar judges will have been seated.
imo, the lethal injection will kill him before his disease will.
Agreed. The lethal injection is too good for him. I have zero sympathy for any death row inmate.
Q will be back tomorrow.
Last year this time, Q was silent from Mar 29 til Apr 2.
Last drop was Mar 29.
Fuck off. I wasn't talking to you.
Well…what do you expect with a reply like that?
Read the article. It's not about our Q.