Padma Lakshmi has a huge surgical scar on her upper right arm. She makes a point not to hide it. Look for that. Tulsi wouldn't have it.
Sporting the scar…it's Padma. Tulsi is now a slide.
I'm trying to kill the slide. Frenly fire isn't.
Chi Rho
Chi Rho gained widespread popularity and found much use by the Christians after it was adopted by the great Roman military commander, Emperor Constantine I as a vexillum (military standard).
History has it that the symbol appeared to Constantine in a vision or dream before he fought the Battle of the Milivian Bridge outside Rome in 312 A.D. and he had it put on his soldiers’ shields.
His army won the battle and subsequently, the deeply affected emperor legalized the religion of Christianity across the Roman Empire.
Later, the symbol also appeared on the coins of Emperor Constantine and his successors.
Forgot to put the sauce with my shameless copypasta..