Something is drastically wrong here. Snowden's wikipedia bio states that he "passed the GED test," "took classes at Anne Arundel Community College," and "worked online toward a master's degree at the University of Liverpool." This guy apparently does not have a high school diploma or a college degree.
Nothing wrong with that per se, but how did Snowden get hired by the CIA and later by a gov contractor for computer networking without holding a college degree and/or recognized professional certifications? Try applying at these same places for the same type of jobs he allegedly held having only his credentials at the time. The ones making hiring decisions won't even consider you. A gov contractor is reimbursed based on each person's education level and work experience.
Is Snowden's public bio all BS? Or, did his grandfather, who was a high level FBI official, pull strings? We already know upper levels of the FBI have been compromised.