Why would Q use ES sometimes and @Snowden other times?? He wouldn't!! I believe ES is Eric Schmidt and @Snowden is self explanatory. I believe Snowden is being threated by black hats who THINK he's on their side but he's actually working for POTUS and team because he now knows that they KNOW about any and all dirty deeds. The black hats probably got to him after the initial 2013 leak and probably threatened in some way, causing him to reconsider…but NOW, his reconsidering has landed him in the crosshairs of Marines and he probably can't sleep at night LOL Could it be that Snowden, while pretending to be a black hat, helped POTUS and team avert the Hawaii missile and take back control of the EBS ?? Just throwing it out there, but can't see Q using ES AND @Snowden to describe Snowden.