Just wondering if the Queen and her Duke are under house arrest at Windsor?
Just wondering if the Queen and her Duke are under house arrest at Windsor?
anyone reading these new Snowden Text's?
Huge: @Citizenlab catches ISPs invisibly redirecting download requests for popular programs, injecting them with government spyware. Unencrypted web traffic is now provably a critical, in-the-wild vulnerability. 20-30% of top internet sites affected.
Trying to sort out (W)hite Hats and (B)lack Hats
Help appreciated
Snowden released documents about NSA spying on all electronic communications of US citizens. White Hat for citizens; Black Hat for government.
Release was through Wikileaks, not sale to Bad Actors for his personal gain. White Hat
His asylum in Russia began in 2013–3 1/2 years under 44; 15 months under 45. Why would he have special animus to POTUS 45?
I understand leaking of secret government information is Black Hat. But we encourage whistle blower programs in order to identify, stop and correct ineffective and corrupt government action.
When nearly the entire government seems to be corrupt, ala 2013, the only place for a whistle blower to go with info is to the public.
Must be lots I don't know because right now I do not understand why we root against Snowden, but revere Seth Rich. Both did a public service of releasing docs that let us learn how bad things really were.
Have similar quandaries about putting the right hats on JA and Kim Dot Com.
Those with more info, better thinking skills or access to a working model of the Harry Potter Sorting Hat, please share.
Who watches these "mean Girls"?
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX2TT4lXyaY
VJ on the View
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk0v91GBriw
good catch
so happy I bought shares months ago!