HOLD UP!!!! I been here since day one but something ain't right at this point.. This has to be said.. We are sitting here playing where's Waldo while Florida is infringing on the constitutional rights of the people? Walmart, Dicks, etc.. doing the same and everybody's in here taking direction to go down this stupid "find Snowden" rabbit hole that does nothing for us, the people. They work for us right? Isn't Q all about our rights and such? Then why TF has one word not been said about this gun grab BS except the POTUS actually congratulating Florida on it? Call me a shill but something doesn't seem right here. I been here since day one, believed and participated in uncovering key things, digging, etc.. I still believe BUT this is just complete BS. Yes I see the actions, I see the proof but again, this is complete BS. Our constitutional rights that OUR Pres and Q claim to stand for are being taken away more and more as we speak and what are we doing? Finding fkn Waldo?! Further more we have people within our GOV still openly committing crimes and what do we do but file a lawsuit instead of lock them up like in the Cali immigration case for example.. Go ahead and ban me, call me a shill but this stuff has to be said and I know others are thinking it as well. Somethings up and there is no way in hll that the Q and Pres that has been here all this time and made us believe by doing the things they have are allowing this to happen. Thank you.
BS.. Yes, they are private companies but WE proved more than ever that WE have the strength to change things. #RleaseTheMemo, #ObamaGate, etc.. What have we done in numbers that got us here and made a difference? WHY are we not doing the same thing for the things that matter just as much?
FL just passed there law, banning rifle and ammo sales to people under the age of 21 among other things. If you tell me that is not an infringement on our 2nd amendment then you need to do some reading. 90% of all this ish we have been "uncovering" has already been know.. The corrupt politicians, corrupt media and charities, etc, and WE did nothing about it for years, WE let it get this bad because of the division WE let them do to us. Now more than ever we have the power and will to stand up for what is right in numbers and what are we doing? Again, I been here "fighting" since day one and there is no way my Pres or the Q that I've came to know would stand for this. No Way.