why then is snowden slated to be a keynote speaker on the 15th?
https:// onlinedomain.com/2018/03/09/domain-name-news/edward-snowden-and-max-schrems-announced-as-cloudfest-keynote-speakers/
Redpill V2K deniers with this!!!
I remember seeing this a few years back, probably the same V2K tech the slime likes to use. People don't want to believe these kinds of things exist, because it's front loaded into their minds that this is crazy paranoid bullshnaw. But here it is in real life; used as a innocent, creepy advertisement for A&E's show Paranormal State.
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEG1Buv3-Pk
and here (pic related)
http:// adage.com/article/news/hear-voices-ad/122491
BAKER… iz good fer Bread?