Anonymous ID: 9e85d3 April 1, 2019, 8:48 p.m. No.6013359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3376 >>3386 >>3500

re-posting for evening-shift anons and the last time I'll post this pasta this month


For anons new and not so new


A prayer for the anon who made these

>>>/comms/2833, >>>/comms/2834, >>>/comms/2835, >>>/comms/2836

>>>/comms/2837, >>>/comms/2838, >>>/comms/2839, >>>/comms/2840

>>>/comms/2841, >>>/comms/2842, >>>/comms/2843, >>>/comms/2844

>>>/comms/2845, >>>/comms/2846, >>>/comms/2847, >>>/comms/2848

>>>/comms/2850, >>>/comms/2851, >>>/comms/2852, >>>/comms/2984

>>>/comms/3155, >>>/comms/4456

Anonymous ID: 9e85d3 April 1, 2019, 9:07 p.m. No.6013578   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6013500 (cheKeKed)


from post No.2099682 from 07/10/18 (Tue) 02:22:37 copied it to >>>/comms/2833


If you read it you'll see that post


>I am a survivor of septic shock and was given a 50 50 chance of living four years ago. My health is failing and I don't know if I will see the end of the "plan". If I stop posting it probably means that I am dead. I'll see you patriots on the other side.


the last posting I have found was 01/31/2019 volume #62 >>>/comms/4456 in which the anon posts

>I'm not dead yet

>Operating at 35% optimal