>>6013652 (lb)
FISA goes both ways is a reference to those under a FISA warrant talk to a lot of people; communicate with a lot (on both sides)
It is believed that Flynn was a target with his own FISA,among others. If so, Flynn communicated regularly with… none other than Hussein himself, as well as ALL the top Intel officials at multiple levels.
They targeted him with the FISA - and then lost power. (((they))) were also subject to the 2 hop rule…
and when those FISA warrants are ruled to be fraudulent, all that mountain of info (((they))) collected becomes evidence AGAINST them - and, subsequently, any additional evidence that is uncovered during their prosecution - including… you guessed it… FISA 2 hop rule bulk data collection.
We have it all
They are well and truly fucked.
5:5 now?