I was sent too, by my boredom and love of sniffy Joe memes
Gets sentenced, in the UK…
Home of finanicial fraud…
Will be out the slammer in 6 months, with good behavior…
Still it's better than fines, but the top people should be slammed up
We need action, I'm spiritual but we were left here to do right in GODs name
never suggest certain VPN companies…….but I have been using CyberGhost for over 10 years, no issues, fast, pick a country….
What about this one?
Kek. Wondering if anyone would see that
If my internet history was searched, then it could be said I posted nudes of RiRi, but in reality, it was claerly those dam Ruskies and their haxors
Probs super not the joos
It's a book that was peoples interpretion at the time wriiten by men. We all know inside of us whats right and wrong, it's wether you follow your spirit or justify your actions. In my view n e way
Kek! Have not seen this before!!!
Population control