HOng Kong is still basically Crown ruled
When did Jonathan Evans Retire as Head of MI5? April 2013
When was Snowden done collecting his Data? April 2013
When did leave for HK? May 20 of 2013
Who could possibly protect you from the United States in Hong Kong? hmmm maybe the JUST RETIRED DIRECTOR OF MI5
This is why snowden is so important.
Who was the whole world coming after? JA
Where did Snowden request asylum? Ecuador.
I don't know what this means, but it sure looks like Snowden was coming after Assange or trying to draw him out.
Who became LORD Evans in 2014? socratic tautology.
Coincidence on feb 22 2018 HSBC announced they were resigning 1/3 of their board of directors? "
""This fella was long time partners with brennan and clapper. It sure looks like the former director of MI5 went to the exact place Snowden had supposedly left at the exact same time as he retired. Could he have been the handler? Could all of the hype of credibility these guys created around Snowden do a 180 if Snowden Flips and uses his voice to tell the truth?
What happened to that torpedo in red october? It turned around and sunk the submarine that fired it.
I think this is the Snowden story fellow anons.
Putin knows Snowden isn't in russia. So do all of the "Celebrities Clowns" Remember John Oliver's Snowden interview from Russia? Cusack?
Snowden can unlock the entire disaster."
SNOWDEN works for the Crown.. not russia/china
Obama meeting with the Prince.. coincidence?
Snowden is an MI5/MI6 operation. He is a Brit. I have had this theory all along but when Q talked about the Circus yesterday and pointed to the post from Anon mentioning John LeCarre, I was totally convinced this is the truth.
Everything fits from this including the Steele dossier