Here's his twatter.
And his company.
I-SPY a hangout?
Here's his twatter.
And his company.
I-SPY a hangout?
Or the photo op is an OP to mask his true location. LTD. hangout?
Coming at it from other side.
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_R._Snowden
There's also a Jonathan Snowden as a founding of member of:
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_the_Cincinnati
which means the Snowden (((surname))) can be traced all the way to AmRev.
< Also, page found while searching for AmRev connection. TOP KEK.
>Who was the first director for the CIA?
>Allen Dulles of course.
Recommended reading.
From the horse's mouth :
> cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol-60-no-3/ seeger-the-devils-chessboard.html
Unfortunately, The Devil’s Chessboard will serve as a textbook for many conspiracy theory devotees and others who are convinced “a secret government” runs the United States from the shadows.
It is equally unfortunate that a book whose important research provides an auspicious beginning ends with speculation and conjecture.
Key to the scrabble castle:
> boulter.com/anagram/
YMMV but there's plenty others.
Gives some ease to the brain.
> Are they using computers to juggle it?
Not sure, but sure it's relatively easy to write some code to reverse anagram. Possibly python?
Agree. Might mean we're getting warmer tho.
Excellent work, Anon.
> HSBC announced they were resigning 1/3 of their board of directors?
Never forget who else was recently on HSBC BOD. Our buddy Big JIm.
More helpful history (& recent connections):
> taxjustice.net/2015/02/27/hsbc-and-the-worlds-oldest-drug-cartel/
"But what reputation do they aim to restore? Is it the airbrushed version of a bank rooted in “Scottish banking principles”, or is it an altogether darker reputation reflecting HSBC’s original role as a source of funding for the giant trade of opium into the Chinese markets in the nineteeth century? As one blogger, based in Rochester, USA, put it in 2013: “When HSBC executives were caught late last year financing the Mexican and other drug cartels, they were returning to the company’s historic roots.”
>>602427 See…
>>599911 Not tea not intentional, but interesting synchronicity?