I don't think it helps with petitions to make them partisan ever. The better course is to spin this like you’re trying to appeal to everyone.
Eg ‘We The People Demand All Applicable Bill of Rights Protections Be Extended To Include All Digital and Virtual Mediums -
It is critical to the Republic that the protections from the Bill of Rights extend to the digital domain wherever applicable.
With so much of our lives now in the digital realm, it is crucial that we move to extend protections to this medium. Presently there are people from all backgrounds that are effectively silenced or barred from the public square for simply having an idea that the operators of various platforms don’t agree with. There are voices that are manipulated to have more or less impact based on algorithms and human moderators. Freedom of speech and expression is a bedrock of our democracy. At present there are censorship efforts specifically directed at political perspectives with the threat of boycotts. There are also dramatic volumes of user data and violations of user privacy, reaching alarming levels. With the frequency of major data breeches, this has risen to a national security threat and certainly impedes liberty. All citizens should have the right to be forgotten and have TRUE control over collected data. The collection, storage and dissemination of online activity must be curbed dramatically and regulated.
None of the major social media companies will make these changes voluntarily. It is long overdue for the social media companies to be regulated as a utility, due to the undeniable impact on our lives and how we interact and to end the practice of hiding behind being a corporation while undermining democracy. "