Kind of off topic but I have to admit seeing Q state 11-11 shock me a bit considering I have been saying that fucking number sequence again and again the past year every damn time I have seemingly looked at a clock.
You too?!
Longer than months but, yeah.
Considering there is a percentage of people all seeing it…. has to be connected to some logical explanation that we can explain. Given this forum and what we do/what we are interested in I would speculate it may have something to do with mind conditioning or something we all have been, at some point, fuck how do I even put this… exposed to I guess?
I have done pretty extensive research on this and one thing that continues to pop up among those who are seeing it is they all have very astute minds and border low latent inhibition with high IQ levels. I could go into much greater detail but don't want to derail the purpose of this thread. Bottom line is, I think it simply takes to a small percentage who are logically and intellectually superior in various ways and pick up on different things others miss.