Anonymous ID: 6c04d4 April 2, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6019305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9383 >>9416 >>9553

Subject: Pool report #1 - Sanders gaggle


poolreports…Today 11:33am


From: Stokols, Eli

Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 11:29 AM

Subject: Pool report #1 - Sanders gaggle


Good morning from the White House, where Sarah Sanders just took a few questions from reporters in the west wing driveway after an appearance on Fox.


Asked what authority gives POTUS the right to close the border, she said: “Democrats are leaving us absolutely no choice at this point.”


“It may be that it’s the best decision that we close the border,” she added. Asked about the economic impact of that action, she said “it’s not our first choice” to close the border but that “his number one priority is to protect life.”


As far as timing, she said POTUS “is not working on a specific timeline” and hopeful Mexico will do more to process asylum seekers.



Sanders also said Democrats are playing a “dangerous game” asking for information on security clearances because it puts everyone with a clearance at risk. On a question about whether the administration followed protocol in issuing clearances, she said she didn’t want to get into specifics.



On healthcare, she said POTUS “wants to work with Congress” but that his priorities on a proposal to be voted on in the next Congress include protecting preexisting conditions, lowering costs and allowing patients a say. Democrats “want a total government takeover of healthcare.”



Asked about the release of the Mueller report, she said Democrats are “sore losers” and need to move on.



While walking back inside, Sanders responded to a question about Joe Biden by saying “we feel really good” about 2020.


Please check all quotes against tape/transcript.


President Trump will meet later this afternoon with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Tonight, he is also speaking at a fundraiser for the NRCC here in town.


More soon.


Eli Stokols

White House Reporter

Los Angeles Times, Washington Bureau

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