Comments are savage
Responses to De Niro are brutal.
God bless the good people out there who have had enough of this shit.
> infused with a surprising secret ingredient: cow’s blood.
Cows blood, like you find in steaks.
No big deal imho.
Thanks for the reminder BO
>>Never Filter
>anons are even worse herders.
Agreed. Look at them, all jump onto that post.
Spotting shills is too easy.
Don't filter me or anyone coz I wantz muh shekelz.
Yet here you are, hanging out with thousands of Q and POTUS lovers who hate you.
You sad cunt.
>Agree BO.
>Filter should always be last option.
>Anons learn much by seeing the shills.
Is that what BO said?
You glow, faggot.