COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 102 (end of page)
Mr. Meadows. Okay. So let's go to the Romanian hacker.
Mr. Priestap. Yep.
Mr. Meadows. Is it your testimony here today is that you do not
believe that they actually penetrated the server?
Mr. Priestap. That the – that –
Mr. Meadows. That a foreign entity penetrated the server, Mrs.
Clinton's server?
Mr. Priestap. Mrs. Clinton's email server. I don't believe the
FBI found any evidence that a foreign adversary had penetrated Mrs. Clinton's server. <
COMMITTEE SENSITIVE 103 (beginning of page)
Mr. Meadows. Were you given any suggestion that that might have
happened by government intel officials?
Mr. Priestap. Suggestion?
Mr. Meadows. Let me be a little more specific. Do you know who
Mr. Priestap. No, I do not.
Mr. Meadows. You don't know who is?
Mr. Priestap. I do not.
Mr. Meadows. And so you're not aware of any conversations that
, who would have been involved with the intelligence
community IG, had with anybody, either yourself or Mr. Strzok?
Mr. Priestap. Sir, I don't know who is. So, no,
that's correct.
Mr. Meadows. Okay. Did you get any information from the
intelligence community IG that would suggest that the metadata was not
consistent on the Hillary Clinton email server?
Mr. Priestap. I don't recall –
Mr. Meadows. You would recall that if you had gotten that?
Mr. Priestap. Yeah. I don't recall that I ever had a
conversation with anybody in the IC IG's office.