It should be fairly obvious to everyone by now that the Mueller report did not exonerate Trump at all.
While Barr, (doing exactly what he was placed as head of DOJ to do) works in the background furiously redacting and blocking the report from reaching Congress, Trump in full panic mode, furiously tweet attacks everyone who enters his diseased brain and gets in front of the camera claiming full exoneration and why would the Democrats want to see the report anyway? democrats are asking too much! They are never happy! I've told him I'm exonerated Barr has sort of told them I'm exonerated, that should be enough for them! While at the same time trying desperately to find something to distract everyone with. Obamacare hurts my feels! Take away everyone's health insurance! Immigrants are invading my brain! Close down the southern border! DISTRACT! DISTORT! ISOLATE! ATTACK!
Meltdown at the donald trump toxic nuclear cesspool located squately between his ears. Good. He has caused enough damage to the US and the world this last 40 to 50 decades. Let them swim in the poison lake that he and his family filled themselves, lovingly, by hand, one dainty Champaign glassfull at a time