Anonymous ID: 765d5a April 2, 2019, 3:34 p.m. No.6022745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Excerpt from Q post 2858

Q's been silent and trust me, that's a good thing. I'm no autist but I do like to take a stab at answering Q questions from time to time just to see if I make sense. So go easy on this newbie.


Mueller Blockade removal & Nadler attempt at extension


-Retain the 'insurance' policy? Yes, Ds need an extension to block POTUS agenda and keep extending the narrative

-Retain the optical illusion that a crime was committed? Yes, the illusion is what keeps the sheep from knowing

-Retain the narrative? Yes, retaining it keeps the sheep blindly following and keeps (((them))) in power long enough to implement playbook and come up with new ideas.

-Retain D_base outrage? yes, extension keeps the sheep outraged

-Retain D_base obstruction? Keeps them thinking POTUS is obstructing thus must be removed from office

-Retain D_base support to block POTUS' agenda? keeps the base resisting all of POTUS’ agendas. The loud minority gets to continue to say no to wall, no to voter ID law, no to census citizenship question, no to heartbeat laws…

-If you know your opponents move, what advantages that does present? Knowing your enemy allows you to take the offensive position against his every move. This is the stronger position to be in.

-If you have the TRUTH on your side, what advantages does that present? Every argument will be won before it even began.

-If you have full control of the US MIL, what advantages does that present? You can protect the mission and carry out with full force & surgical precision.

-If you have complete AUTH TO DECLAS, what advantages does that present? Means you have the upper hand on attacks. Ex: FISA works both ways.