Anonymous ID: 55fed5 April 2, 2019, 4:09 p.m. No.6023202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Come on people! You've gotta get with it.


Truly the fight is not with or between us. The fight is between Light and Darkness but on our level the fight is between us and the globalist scum who feel they not only own the world and that all the money in the world belongs to them, they NEED to keep millions poor to use as cannon fodder in their wars for profit.


If everyone in America was able to truly fulfill their potential; to learn what resonates with them not just to be a corporate slave but to grow personally, intellectually and spiritually. We are not born to be subservient to evil! We are born to learn and grow and achieve; to show how much we value this opportunity of THIS life, not wallowing in the past but focusing on true growth and development.


The continuing of people allowing themselves to be simply debt slaves; to accept that these are those who are just destined to misery, poverty and want; to support their loss of freedom, nation, family, rights and be willing to surrender all personal freedom for some slimy corporations profit margin.


BUT they couldn't do it to us, they couldn't keep us as contented cattle/debt slaves if we didn't let them. There are 350+ Americans, let's say half of that able-bodied adults who are accepting of the dumbing down of the education system so it produces less and less informed graduates but who are nonetheless activists in the globalist scum drive to destroy America because the propaganda used from K through University, now, has been foisted on developing minds since they were toddlers and were force-fed repeatedly, the most erroneous globalist propaganda possible. Today, the more sane among us refer them as "snowflakes" but that seems awfully insulting to crystallized water droplets, a valuable source of a life giving substance where the uneducated, unevolved Leftists of today are neither valuable for giving of any substance other than methane.


I do get it. Nobody wants to admit that their government has for decades been owned, controlled and manipulated by foreign and domestic economic terrorists through the central banks around the world they own, including the one in America and the one in Canada. People are resistant of accepting that they have been lied to, conned, for over a hundred years, that so many beautiful young American kids died fighting for some globalist scum's desire to take over one small country with resources after another. People are afraid to even entertain the thought that the entertainers and politicians they have "known" most of their lives are evil incarnate and for whom the younger a child is the more sexual pleasure the adult feels and enjoys and who cares about the tortured child anyway?


But, again, BUT we have to bite the bullet. The change that is taking place in America cannot be restricted to a few in the government who are trying to Make America Great Again. It will take a mighty force and we will have to accept that it isn't going to be pretty. Are you ready? Are you REALLY ready for when things like videos and other recordings surface exposing that all of the things you have been hearing about are actually real? The people you have invited into your home on a weekly even daily basis are some of the most evil, perverted sub-human animals you can possible imagine and because they are fighting so hard against the information coming out about their perversions and treasons…the Light will have no choice but to allow full exposure.


Many will die by their own hand when much of what is hiding comes into the Light…but that isn't an escape as they will discover not long after they suicide themselves. So make certain that you truly, truly ready.