Anonymous ID: 8bf559 April 2, 2019, 3:36 p.m. No.6022772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2817


Q has the potential to shatter Trumps base and hand the DS a huge win. You understand this right?

And somehow you think Trump and co. are just going to let that happen, without saying anything. Logical thinking says you're ridiculous lol

Anonymous ID: 8bf559 April 2, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.6023224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3306


It has viral potential. In fact, it has the power to shatter individual power centers within the conservative base.


Your point of view is akin to saying that attacking Sanders through meme's isn't effective because the meme's won't be seen by a majority of Democrats. Your view point has been wrong so far, even something with comparably small influence at first can blossom into something huge.


Every rally grows the number of Q supporters. Every public event grows the amount of Q supporters, with the amount of MSM coverage Q has received so far, it's a clear and present threat if not allied controlled.


The only way they wouldn't step against Q is if Q was in fact an allied project and Trump was aware of it. Which there is tons of circumstancial evidence suggesting it's true. Your line of thought feels limited and not fully thought through.

Anonymous ID: 8bf559 April 2, 2019, 4:26 p.m. No.6023420   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is true, I don't think it's AS big as people have suggested, however, it's clearly big enough to cause damage in swing states. All DS would have to do is play controlled opposition and play off the shattered Q dreams and they'd have a good chance at swinging states away from Trump.


I don't think the Trump campaign, with what we've seen so far, would allow that to happen if it wasn't friendly controlled.


Also with the amount of high profile "friendly" conservative forces who have posted in favor of Q or posted Q content, I don't see it being likely that it's a foreign intel psyop, though I've spent hours agonizing over whether it was.


The fact that it is so out there fits with Q being true though. Q has abstained from making too many comments that we couldn't at least obtain some evidence on. And has pushed us in directions most of us would have never gotten around to looking at.


I don't think the DS would risk waking people up, because even if Q is false, you can't eliminate the knowledge we've gained from the movement. Nor the stubborn hate some have developed for the DS and related entities. For every election after this we're going to be harder to trick, harder to mislead, they've allowed groups of resistance to fester and grow where there previously weren't as many.

They've allowed people who would have blindly followed them previously to get radicalized and to become armed not just with knowledge, but a chance to prepare. I can't see any logical reason foreign intel or the DS would benefit off that, and therefore Occams razor states Q is most likely legitimate as far as being a Trump team controlled Op.