Ty, baker
Trump just said 'hoaxes' plural.
Trump just said something about talking to Mitt about the vote for health care, taking place after the election.
Anybody catch it?
Fuck off. Everybody thinks for themselves.
Trump straight up claiming they're going to reclaim the senate and house.
Health care plan will be first vote when Repulbicans sweep senate, house, and WH
Youtube just cut out when Trump said "ISIS Caliphate" when saying we killed them all essentially. Cut out exactly at "ISIS Caliphate"
Trump happy with his General, says "give me a kiss."
says "like Joe Biden"
Make memes, bruh
Grand finale from POTUS
listing beliefs
Top fucking kek!
Can't keep people at max all the time.
RM summary was a huge climax. Last week was the come down.
Big rally for a boost, but more coming down.
Not coming down all the way, just gotta come down a bit.
Slow rolling ramp up starting.
Hannity looks like the happiest man in the world.
Alec Baldwin, Hannity is going to play a secret video of you on his show after the commercial break. He said for you to tune in.