Kinda wish HRC would have won at this point.
A fast death would be better than this long, drawn out shit show.
Kinda wish HRC would have won at this point.
A fast death would be better than this long, drawn out shit show.
>2 years of winning
What, in your life, has changed?
What, fundamentally, has changed?
Every time something doesn't go "the plan's" way, it's blamed on muh black hats.
There needs to be a bone thrown.
I got your nigger, nigger.
Just because you're moar aware of something just means enough caught on to what those like me have been knowing and digging for fucking years.
Moar money? Kek, 20 extra dollars on a check?
My return was actually less this year but cool story.
Who says I let anyone do anything?
I don't get special privileges and therefore can't opt out of shit.
Have to work to live, thus playing [[[their system]]].
I don't agree with taxes; it's theft.
Entire MIC is a lie and a joke.
War = profit.
On and on.
Nah, moar like tired of the same shit different day.
Lemme know when the FED goes down.
Lemme know when the CIA is scattered to the wind, FBI, all 3 letters, etc.
Replacing O-care? kek.
Quick! we need moar anti-semuhtizmizmmz laws!
muh bad, how very anti-semitic of me.