Imagine this…Having 1000 of the best diggers of public open source material at your fingertips with just one crumb!!!!
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Imagine this…Having 1000 of the best diggers of public open source material at your fingertips with just one crumb!!!!
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Think about how much money is being wasted dealing with these Democrat loving Illegal Aliens…BILLIONS AND BILLIONS….we could use that money for a SHIT LOAD of better uses…I can think of a few like VETS…OUR HEALTHCARE…Infrastructure…etc…
The Democrats new motto "what the hell, it's not our money..hahaha…we pissed it all awayyyy!!!!
And "we will blame it on Donald Trump…yea..yea..that's a good idea…we will screw it up and blame it on the President!!!".
Like in the movie.."Under Siege"..when the C_A director says to the other guy…if it goes sideways we can blame it on the cook…well in this case…Donald Trump can also COOK!!!..hahaha
That's because all of America know that Dem. Elijah Cummins is a FAKE, a FRAUD, a CHARLATAN…I really don't think he is smart enough to be CHAIRING A COMMITTEE!!!
Wait until they get boomeranged on..when they find out she never said it was the President.or Sr…but she never said Jr…either..left it open every time…hahaha…back in their faces…they were chasing the wrong Cohen again…they are stupid!!!.
If you have ever had a dog and fake throw his toy…that's what the President just did…He is a quarterback and he faked a throw over there and everyone fell for it…hahaha…beautiful!!!
Has anyone done the over/under or profit/loss on the border money yet…
How much does it cost the taxpayer to house/medical/educate these Illegals…
As opposed to how much we would lose in business income if we shut down the border…
Serious question!!!
Hell…I'm almost tempted to just throw away my license and hop skip and jump myself down to the border to get all the free shit…because I'm going broke paying for it now!!!!