Qs. for everyone;
The POTUS and Q team…They do understand that "IF" the fundamental variable on which the execution of "The Plan" rests are "OPTICS" and readying the population to get their heads wrapped around "The Truth" concerning the depth of the "Evil" we are facing…"IF" the potential for riots and protests and violent public reaction by a brainwashed portion of the population must be reduced to an acceptably manageable level…and that "THIS" is the reason Q-people must be continually reassured that "Patriots are in control", "No one will escape" and we can and should "Trust the plan"…That "IF" that's the case THEN they must know …The "General Welfare" is "ONLY" protected thru the preparation of the "Mind" and its proper exposure to "The Truth" in order that our citizenry will behave as true PATRIOTS who "THINK FOR THEMSELVES" because "FACTS MATTER"… and that "THEREFORE"…The root of the entire problem is "EDUCATION"?…Right? They know this, right? They know "Red Pilling" which requires a "CURRICULUM", which is what gives education its structure and guides those who teach…Those who are "TEACHERS"…Those who comprise the delivery system thru which minds are fed the "Red Pill" or the "Blue Pill"…and WITHOUT a "Red Pill" curriculum and WITHOUT an uncontaminated, "Red Pilled" delivery system we are ALL simply PISSING IN THE WIND. IF EDUCATION, as a part of "THE SWAMP" is not "REPAIRED" and "DRAINED", we are all PISSING IN THE WIND… Do what you must. Your timetable is your own. BUT KNOW THIS…>>>5 yrs from now in November, the children who are presently 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 will step into ballot boxes by the 10s of millions to vote for our form of government for the first time in Presidential election cycle. They will carry with them minds that have been prepared by a Communist/Socialist Curriculum delivered by "Blue Pilled" Communist /Socialist Teachers, Educators and Administrators…ALL of which will have been brainwashed thru our Communist/Socialist propaganda machine of universities, media and entertainment AND IF "THE PLAN" has no remedy to prepare for that coming apocalyptic event then we are all simply…PISSING ING IN THE WIND. If They don't understand this critical variable and complete the task, then They do know this is all for nothing, right? I mean, you can Gitmo all you can get. Declass the entire class. Lock up all the Fuck-ups. And drain the Goddamn ocean…But if you leave us without ever helping to give our communities and families the freedom to teach the truth and prepare our children for 2024, then this is the generation of the end and they will…(With God as my witness)…They will hand us all over to the Devil himself. I hope the plan has taken all that into consideration…don't you? –God speed, everyone.