I have deduced over time that there is a VERY LARGE disproportionate number of anons that phone fag rather than viewing on a full size monitor/display system.
As such, viewing the (what is deemed) unnecessary line breaks, only complicates what they are trying to do.
No opinion here, only an observation.
This should seem reasonable to even the thickest and blindest of the nay-sayers.
Other than Big Pharma, who is it that explains why this pot-puree approach is necessary?
That is why they deny it! They CAN NOT explain it!
Wake Up, Sheeple!.
Haven't seen whatever might have made you think that.
Looks to me like he likes to kick (them) in the balls.
Kinda surprised his account hasn't been whacked.
I was referencing A single twitter account.
You respond with Q called 'them' out.
I clearly missed missed something along the way.
My bad. No need to debate and slide the thread because I don't understand your thought process. Mine is plenty clear enough to suit me.
Half way through the thread, 15 posts, and you are arguing the Bible with people who may or may not know more than you.
The more familiar a person is with a subject, the more concise can be their response. Your post is l o n g.
Maybe your neighborhood rather than this board would be a better place to be a fisher of men.
Took you a long time to show up.
Filters don't care though.
See ya next thread you slouch.
>OK I know it's two days late but this was an april fools joke.
Not if an AOC video surfaces.
Never can tell with her.
>>The Hell of fire is the thing that the Catholic Church invented.
I agree with the following statement.
>The torment of hell is self-induced and has to do with an eternal existence of self-recrimination.
>If death itself is cast into the lake of fire, how can you propose eternal death?
Eternal death would be when you have self-incriminated to the extent you are beyond forgiveness and are subsequently cast into the Great Central Sun, at which point, you would literally cease to exist. The only means of which a soul can, and will be exterminated.
Looks like a clock, or maybe a SUN-DAIL ?
Is that where the 'temple' used to stand?
Interesting, in either case.
So Joe M is a they.
I could read what you wrote, dingle-berry.
Hence, the confusion which no longer exists.
Your reading comprehension is lacking.
You need not feel like the Lone Ranger around here, though.
This debate is a perpetual slide by newbies who refuse to follow instructions and 'read the crumbs'.
Q defined The Keystone way earlier on (well over a year ago), but most not here then don't know that because they don't play catch up!
They just jump in and share all their wisdom with the old fags, and confuse new fags, all the while performing the functions of a shill without ever realizing that is exactly what they are doing.
dingle-berry (noun) - little ball of shit hanging in a sheep's fur near it's most aft exit
see there, i like you.
I used yur punkchewashun so u cood reed it betr.