Anonymous ID: 46d68a April 3, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6031015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1083

Europefag here, with an RBG question for American anons.


There's all this speculation about whether she's dead or alive, and we were listening to the audio recording of a recent court argument… but why doesn't some anon in Washington simply go down to the Supreme Court and sit in on an argument?!


When I visited Washington some years ago, I was able to attend an argument. There was a "ten-minute line" where you were seated in the back for only a short portion of a case; and a "one-hour line" where you attended an entire hearing.


I just checked online and you can still do this!

It says the next argument day is April 15.


So… instead of wondering wtf is going on in there, can some Washington anon just show up at the courthouse on April 15 and see for himself, and let us know if RBG's seat is empty or what?

Anonymous ID: 46d68a April 3, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.6031176   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thank you, lawfag. I was thinking along similar lines: if RBG is dead already and (((They))) pretending she isn't, it means that all eight of the other justices are going along with it. We've heard plenty about Roberts being comped, and the libs would presumably acquiesce… but what about Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kav? It doesn't add up.