Anonymous ID: 6064e9 April 3, 2019, 6:48 a.m. No.6030781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0810 >>0813 >>0832 >>0847



Anyone who accepts the Bible also accepts the authority of the Catholic Church because it was the Catholic Church who decided what books are included in the Bible and which aren't. That's a historical fact. So, if you accept the Bible - you also accept the authority of the Catholic Church to decided which books are in and which aren't.


Also, Q HAS NOT said the Catholic Church as a whole is corrupt. He HAS called out Pope Francis, but Pope Francis IS NOT the Catholic Church - he is ONE member of the Church.


I hold, from following Q since the beginning that he is Catholic or a the very least has very Catholic sensibilities. He even quotes from a Catholic Translation of the Bible.


Not sure why so many Anons have an axe to grind with the Catholic Church. Granted there are many individual Catholics are are evil, wicked people (including people like Pope Francis, Cardinal Parolin, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, etc.), but THEY are not the Church.