Anonymous ID: 6f5158 April 3, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.6030848   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The MSM painting Biden as a caring old man who likes to show his affection by touching is making me sick.

That behavior is a common tactic of a pedo. They prey on your feeling of guilt to be mean to an old person. They prey on your love of your grandparents. They prey on the fact that adults will tell young kids he is a harmless old man. ( and that is what adults tell kids )

It's time to start calling out the people minimizing this behavior!

I was accosted by more than 1 old man and it feels horrible. Guilt, confusion, self loathing, fear are the result a child is left with. It is NO DIFFERENT than the results of being molested by a younger person.

They are not sweet gentle hugs/kisses/gropes. There is firmness and even force used to keep you in place so they can do it.

ANONS POWERS ACTIVATE! Full force attack for spreading extreme danger and calling this harmless.

It is NOT ok for a man to touch you just because he is a kind old man