Anonymous ID: 7f2a55 April 3, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.6030897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0906 >>1087

>>6030008 (lb)

>>6030097 (lb)


Agreed. It's become obvious that no one is 'saving (Israel) for last'. That was just more fodder for the sheep. This place has become as sycophantic as any place ever was about 44. Not a word from Q, as if there's any excuse for POTUS supporting such bs false 'antisemitism' accusations, in the first place. Haven't seen him say anything substantive about the administration's appointments of so many establishment proxies (and neocon war criminals), nor a shred of reasonable justification for the regime change rhetoric we were pledged was finished. Lots of third-grade rationalizations that wouldn't make it five minutes outside of this silo. Very disappointed.


>>6030462 (lb)


Religious anons. Indoctrinated tools. What's wrong, dullard? Too many contradictions to the narrative we've been fed? Yeah, we all know.