> If "they" want to trick everyone with scripture, why are "they" removing it from public places and schools as much as possible?
The elites are removing Christianity from the schools and government because they must, because there is much good within those scriptures. The Christian scriptures, when followed faithfully, inspire a foundation of morality and caring from one to another. The codes of moral behavior written into those scriptures are necessary for the building of a just and free society and have served the common peoples of the world, and especially the people of our Great Nation well. We truly could not arisen as a Nation of moral men and women with any other system of belief or faith.
But, how then has the Catholic Church been so thoroughly invested with satanic child sacrificing pedophile priests? Was this a recent infiltration of satanic evil into that priesthood? Or, has that satanic evil always been present in the upper echelons of the church. I am not saying there is no good there in those scriptures, certainly there is. But I do invite you to pray for the wisdom to see and hear only truth. Then, should God give you that wisdom to see those truths, pray that you do no trample them under your feet. Matthew 7:6