Lord James of Blackheath, the man who spotted the first lead that revealed British and Israeli involvement in the Iraqi Supergun affair and who in 2010 became just about the only peer of the realm to raise the issue of the national debt in proper terms in the House of Lords, has released this paper, which calls upon the Lords to prevent the Crown shattering the Constitution by acting in breach of the Monarch's oath of office to uphold the Declaration of Rights 1689.
A constitutional initiative to override political deadlock
Public anxiety and dismay as to Brexit political arguments reflects the similar mood and confusion in the House of Commons, which makes it extremely difficult for the public, poorly served by the media, to understand the critical issues — which in turn will make it more difficult to gain wide acceptance to find any kind of solution. In particular, it is noticeable that the Parliamentary discussions are failing to address significantly critical Constitutional problems, which may vary according to which solution is the outcome. It may be helpful to win public support if these are now more clearly explained and understood, yet only the Daily Express last Friday has made any significant move toward this.
Nothing would help more to achieve public understanding of the Constitutional hazards than to initiate urgently a direct appeal to the United Nations seeking their support for bringing the European Commission into strict conformity with the requirements of Clause 46.1 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969. Serving this Notice would also provide immediately justifiable cause for an extension to the Chapter 50 timetable and would demonstrate a firm and legally justified Government initiative.
In line with that application to the UN, the Government should then explain to Parliament, and in the media, the different constitutional hazards arising from the alternative solutions available. For example, remaining in the EU — whether temporarily or indefinitely — may well see the UK embroiled in the coming move to Qualified Majority Vote in 2020 and beyond.
This is contrary to the popular vote and that which our Government has promised to deliver. It is utterly inimical to our constitution. It will involve the creation of a European standing army and loss of control of our defence forces. We have been warned of very significant consequent damage to our intelligence services, there will be a loss of control of fiscal [tax] independence and currency, and loss of diplomatic independence to make international treaties. A full destruction of our constitutional autonomy and sovereign independence could, and most probably will, rapidly follow any arrangement that does not recover sovereignty, which was originally breached in the Lisbon Treaty. We must exit by initiating a supra-party-political consensus confirming our constitution.
Failure to terminate the membership of the European Union will continue to lead us all deeper into a treasonous liability arising from placing our governance subject to a foreign Potentate. That Potentate is unelected by the UK's electorate, is unaccountable to them and irremovable by them.
This is an absolute affront to the Dignity and Majesty of the Crown. It could foreshadow the total demise of the Monarchy.
When Brexit is finally done, Parliament must be shown to have discharged its absolute responsibility not to have reduced its own omnipotence.
In summary, the British public must be brought to an understanding that Brexit is a vital precondition for the maintenance of our sovereignty and independence and that our political forces are acting responsibly and with great integrity on behalf of the whole community. In passing, it will do no harm to remind all levels of Parliament in this process.
Lord James of Blackheath CBE