Anonymous ID: 014ab8 April 3, 2019, 10:48 a.m. No.6033637   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3668 >>3678 >>3696 >>3733

Do I have this straight?


Nadler sends a subpoena to the highest-ranking LEO in our country, demanding that Barr commit a felony by releasing a Top Secret document without redacting sources and methods?


Moreover, the entire SC investigation was launched on "collusion" which is no more a crime than playing in a pickup basketball game, right?


While I'm on a roll… Mueller's ONLY job is to either decide to indict or not to indict? No gray area here; all or nothing.


If the decision is to NOT indict, all "evidence" is rendered moot and to never be released to anyone other than the AG? And yet, it is going to the entire House of Congress?


Congress would then be reviewing a document that was created by an illegally appointed SC (by [RR]), using an illegally obtained FISA warrant, which was obtained using an illegal, fake dossier, to investigate a non-crime, attained via subpoena to our AG without giving him time to do the ONE job he need to do (redact to protect sources and methods) and then … wait for it…


… top secret information will be leaked via Congress to the MSM?


Talk about a trail of shit that will blow the whole thing wide open, regardless of what is in the report to begin with!




Beer at the Parade, Frens


Enjoy the show.