Anonymous ID: 9e00fa April 3, 2019, 10:02 a.m. No.6033037   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3224 >>3493 >>3642

An Open Letter to the Pulitzer Prize Committee:

Don't Reward (Jeffrey Epstein) Fake News

by Alan M. Dershowitz


Among the leading candidates for a Pulitzer Prize in investigative journalism is the Miami Herald and its reporter Julie K. Brown for its series on the Jeffrey Epstein case. The series, however, was not based on rigorous and objective investigation, but rather on one sided, and largely false tips from self-interested lawyers who used the series to their financial advantage. Brown refused to investigate and/or publish highly credible information that undercut the simplistic and largely false narrative fed her by her biased sources. I know, because I have been providing her with much of the documents and information she chose to bury rather than report. Had she reported this contradictory material, she would have endangered the Pulitzer Prize she has been aiming to win. The Pulitzer Committee should not reward such biased and result oriented "reporting" by giving her the prize.